Working papers

CIRIEC’s Working Papers welcome works from Members of CIRIEC’s scientific network.
Topics cover the fields of interest of CIRIEC dedicated to economic sectors and activities oriented towards the service of the general and collective interest, State action in those fields, public utilities, social and cooperative economy.

Review Committee

Dorothea Greiling (Johannes Kepler University-Linz, Austria), President of the International Scientific Council
Philippe Bance (University of the French Antilles, France), former President of the International Scientific Council
Marie J. Bouchard (University of Quebec, Montreal, Canada), President of the International Scientific Commission ‘Social and Cooperative Economy’
Eoin Reeves (University of Limerick, Ireland), President of the International Scientific Commission ‘Public Services/Public Enterprises’
Massimo Florio (University of Milan, Italy), former President of the International Scientific Commission ‘Public Services/Public Enterprises’
Marietta Bucheli (Pontificia Universidad Javeriana, Colombia), Institute of Rural Studies (IER)
Carmen Marcuello Servós (Universidad de Zaragoza, Spain), Vice-President of CIRIEC-España; President, OIBESCOOP
José Luis Retolaza (Deusto Business School, Spain), Senior Research Fellow, Director of AURKILAN Institute for Business Ethics Research in Bilbao
Jérôme Schoenmaeckers (University of Liège, Belgium)
Marco Marini (University ‘La Sapienza’, Rome, Italy), Editor of the International Scientific Journal of CIRIEC, the Annals of Public and Cooperative Economics/Annales de l’économie publique, sociale et coopérative
– the  coordinators of the Working Groups.

The Working Papers are indexed in RePEC, ECONIS (via the search engine EconBiz – ZBW-Leibniz Information Centre for Economics).

Information and submission of papers:



WP20/17 – PIERI N./ DÍAZ-FONCEA M./ MARCUELLO C./ TORTIA E. – Social Incubators and Social Innovation in Cities: A Qualitative Analysis

WP20/16 – MARTINEZ C./ MOREIRA V./ BARREIROS R./ WEYMER A. – Determining Factors of Loyalty in Brazilian Agricultural Cooperatives

WP20/15 – RIJPENS J./ BOUCHARD M.J./ GRUET E./ SALATHÉ-BEAULIEU G. – Social Impact Bonds: Promises versus facts. What does the recent scientific literature tell us?

WP20/14 – JANY-CATRICE F. – Une économie politique des mesures d’impact social

WP20/13 – BIJMAN J./ HANISCH M. – Understanding the heterogeneity among agricultural cooperatives

WP20/12 – DUFOUR B./ PETRELLA F./ RICHEZ-BATTESTI N. – Understanding social impact assessment through public value theory: A comparative analysis on work integration social enterprises (WISEs) in France and Denmark

WP20/11 – BRÜLISAUER S./ COSTANTINI A./ PASTORELLI G. – The Digital Social Economy – Managing and Leveraging Platforms and Blockchain for a People-Centred Digital Transformation

WP20/10 – SCHINNERL M./ GREILING D. – Local Civil Regimes for Combating Child Poverty: Insights from the Austrian and Belgian Corporatist Welfare States

WP20/09 – CASTAÑEDA F./ BROWN E./ CLOKE J./ GIL F.J./ GONZÁLEZ M./ CISTERNAS C. – Social Inclusion: The Higher Education Sector in Chile and in the United Kingdom

WP20/08 – FLORIO M. – Biomed Europa: after the coronavirus, a public infrastructure to overcome the pharmaceutical oligopoly

WP20/07 – BAUBY P. – La gouvernance des entreprises publiques en situation de monopole

WP20/06 – ANANIA P./ NADE P. – In the Quest for Semi-Industrialized Economy: Strategies for Agricultural-Based Industrialization through Co-operatives in Tanzania

WP20/05 – PAUL E./ FECHER F./ DEVILLE C./ NDIAYE Y./ SALL F.L./ SAMBIÉNI N.E./ MELONI R./ PORIGNON D. – Long Way to Universal Health Coverage (UHC): Are Policy Dialogue Processes Appropriate to Negotiate Trade-Offs in Africa? The Cases of Benin and Senegal

WP20/04 – WOLZ A./ ZHANG S./ DING Y. – Agricultural production cooperatives and agricultural development: Is there a niche after all? Findings from an exploratory survey in China

WP20/03 – TOLBA T./ MORONCINI A./ KEHILA Y. – Le recouvrement des coûts : un défi pour une gestion durable des déchets ménagers en Algérie. Cas de la Commune d’Annaba

WP20/02 – GAJAC O./ PELEK S. – L’Economie solidaire en Turquie et son écosystème : un avenir encore incertain

WP20/01 – SUMNER J./ TARHAN M. D./ McMURTRY J. J. – Building Sustainable Local Food Solutions: How Canadian Indigenous Communities are Using the Social and Solidarity Economy to Implement Zero Hunger


WP19/31 – BAUBY P. – The governance of State-owned Enterprises (SOEs) operating under monopoly situation

WP19/30 – FAJARDO GARCÍA G. – Falsas cooperativas de trabajadores y medidas adoptadas por los poderes públicos en España para combatirlas

WP19/29 – BASTIDA M./ OLVEIRA A. – La Red Eusumo: instrumento público al servicio los ODS en Galicia

WP19/28 – PČOLINSKÁ L. – Overview of social economy development in Slovakia and its promoting as the employment solution for long-term unemployed and disabled ones

WP19/27 – MARTINELLI F./ BOZZONI S./ CAROLI S./ TAMASCELLI F./ GUERINI G. – Platform Cooperativism in Italy and in Europe

WP19/26 – CHAVES R./ MONZÓN J. L. – Buenas prácticas en las políticas públicas relativas a la economía social europea tras la crisis económica

WP19/25 – CHAVES R./ MONZÓN J. L. – Best practices in public policies regarding the European Social Economy post the economic crisis

WP19/24 – CHAVES R./ MONZÓN J. L. – Les bonnes pratiques en matière de politiques publiques relatives à l’économie sociale européenne, à la suite de la crise économique

WP19/23 – CLAMP C./ AMENDAH E.R./ COREN C. – Shared-Services Cooperatives: Strengthening Local Economies through Collaboration

WP19/22 – SPEAR R./ CHAN C. K M – Social Innovation – Scaling Social Impact: a Danish Case Study

WP19/21 – OLLÉ-ESPLUGA L./ MUCKENHUBER J./ HADLER M. – Job Quality in Economy for the Common Good Firms in Austria and Germany

WP19/20 – GIAGNOCAVO C./ HERNÁNDEZ CÁCERES D. – Creación de un nuevo bien común para las cooperativas agrícolas: Big data, TIC e intercambio de datos

WP19/19 – NAGAO MENEZES D. F. – Self-Management Report in Brazil – Technical Concepts and Challenges

WP19/18 – BEHRENDT G./ PETER S./ STERLY S./ HÄRING A. M. – Community financing in the German organic food sector: a key for sustainable food systems?

WP19/17 – LAMBRU M./ PETRESCU C. – Social enterprises role in Romanian welfare system

WP19/16 – DACHEUX É./ GOUJON D. – Vers un nouveau paradigme ancré dans les pratiques d’économie solidaire : le délibéralisme

WP19/15 – OPINCARU I-S./ CRÂNGAȘU D. – Measuring the Impact of a Social Enterprise – Case Study CONCORDIA Bakery, Romania

WP19/14 – COSTANTINI A./ PASTORELLI G./ SEBILLO A. – How Social Enterprises Contribute to Alternative Food Systems

WP19/13 – BASSI A./ FABBRI A. – Workers BuyOut: why employee-owned enterprises are more resilient than corporate business in time of economic and financial crisis? The case of Emilia-Romagna Region

WP19/12 – PERRIN A. – New Trends in the Social and Solidarity Economy Regarding Agriculture and Food: A Comparison between France and India

WP19/11 – GASPARINI G.-L./ PROSPERO A. – ICT and Ethical Finance: Fostering Social Innovation and Financial Inclusion

WP19/10 – VIGANÒ F./ SALUSTRI A. – Partnering with Civil Society Organizations. The role of volunteers and not for profit organizations in the provision of welfare services

WP19/09 – FUJIWARA N. – International City Network and Public-Private Cooperation for Urban Water-Environment Management: A Study of Japanese Public Water Services’ Overseas Expansion

WP19/08 – DRIGUEZ L. – De l’intérêt de créer un nouveau concept : la lucrativité limitée

WP19/07 – BOUAZZA A./ NAFIL Y. – Rôle de l’Innovation Sociale dans le Développement Socioéconomique au Maroc : Premières Constatations à partir de la Littérature, et Etude de Cas de 4 Associations Socialement Innovantes

WP19/06 – BORZAGA C./ CALZARONI M./ CARINI C./ LORI M. – Italian cooperatives: an analysis of their economic performances, employment characteristics and innovation processes based on combined used of official data

WP19/05 – CHAVES R./ MONZÓN J.L. – Recente ontwikkelingen in de sociale economie in de Europese Unie

WP19/04 – CHAVES R./ MONZÓN J.L. – Die jüngsten Entwicklungen der Sozialwirtschaft in der Europäischen Union

WP19/03 – CHAVES R./ MONZÓN J.L. – Evolución reciente de la economía social en la Unión Europea

WP19/02 – CHAVES R./ MONZÓN J.L. – Recent Evolutions of the Social Economy in the European Union

WP19/01 – CHAVES R./ MONZÓN J.L. – Evolutions récentes de l’économie sociale dans l’Union européenne


WP18/13 – CHAVES ÁVILA R. / MONZÓN CAMPOS J.L. – La economía social ante los paradigmas económicos emergentes: innovación social, economía colaborativa, economía circular, responsabilidad social empresarial, economía del bien común, empresa social y economía solidaria

WP18/12 – FONT-MAS M. – Plataformas de Capital versus Plataformas Sociales en la Economía Colaborativa: Punto de vista jurídico internacional

WP18/11 – KADRI A. – Le système d’enseignement algérien, entre passé et présent

WP18/10 – GARCÍA OLIVA J./ HALL H. – The Legal Framework on Education in England: Complexities and Shortcomings

WP18/09 – FEFES M. – Greek legislation on rural co-operatives: A concise presentation

WP18/08 – BANCE P. – Offrir des biens publics et des communs et revitaliser l’action publique dans le cadre d’un processus de “destruction créatrice”

WP18/07 – BAUBY P./ HECHT C./ WARM S. – Water remunicipalisation in Berlin and Paris: Specific processes and common challenges

WP18/06 – ALDASHEV G./ MARINI M./ VERDIER T. – Samaritan Bundles: Clustering in NGO Projects

WP18/05 – VASTENAEKELS J./ PELENC J. – Investigating the potential of cooperatives to re-embed the economy: a multiple case study of food cooperatives in Belgium

WP18/04 – APOSTOLAKIS G./ van DIJK G. – Cooperative organizations and members’ role: A new perspective

WP18/03 – APOSTOLAKIS G./ VAN DIJK G. – Retirement concerns and planning of cooperative members: A study in the Dutch healthcare sector

WP18/02 – BAJO A./ PRIMORAC M./ HANICH M. – The Financial Performance, Restructuring and Privatisation of the Shipyards in the Republic of Croatia

WP18/01 – FLORIO M./ FERRARIS M./ VANDONE D. – State-Owned Enterprises: Rationales for Mergers and Acquisitions


WP16/13 – CAPONETTI L./ DEMERTZIS V./ SAK B. – Openbare diensten en opdrachten van openbare dienst in België – Stand van zaken

WP16/12 – CAPONETTI L./ DEMERTZIS V./ SAK B. – Services publics et missions de service public en Belgique – Etat des lieux

WP16/11 – CAPONETTI L. – Het Europese regelgevingskader voor openbare diensten: wetgeving, financiering en dwangen

WP16/10 – CAPONETTI L. – Le cadre réglementaire européen en matière de services publics : législation, financement et contraintes

WP16/09 – DEMERTZIS V. – Politiek-institutionele uitwerkingswijzen van de openbare diensten

WP16/08 – DEMERTZIS V. – Modes d’élaboration politico-institutionnelle du service public

WP16/07 – CAPONETTI L./ SAK B. – Hoe kan men de openbare diensten door hun verschillende facetten, missies en principes definiëren?

WP16/06 – CAPONETTI L./ SAK B. – Comment définir le service public à travers ses différentes facettes, missions et principes ?

WP16/05 – GREILING D./ KOSTAL T./ OBERMANN G. – Major Public Enterprises in Austria

WP16/04 – MONZÓN CAMPOS J.L. – La Economía Social en la literatura económica y en los hechos: 30 años de historia del CIRIEC-España

WP16/03 – VAN PUYVELDE S./ JEGERS M. – Heterogeneity and self-selection into nonprofit management

WP16/02 – OUCHENE B./ MORONCINI A. – De la durabilité à la responsabilité envers les générations futures

WP16/01 – DORION C. – Le financement de l’Économie Sociale au Québec


WP15/20 – WILLNER J./ GRÖNBLOM S. – The Organisation of Services of General Interest in Finland

WP15/19 – CLÒ S./ DI GIULIO M./ GALANTI M.T./ SORRENTINO M. – Italian State-Owned Enterprises After Decades of Reforms: Still Public?

WP15/18 – CASTAÑEDA F./ BARRÍA D./ ASTORGA G. – Is the OECD Model Suitable for Strategic Public Enterprises in Terms of National Development? Reflections from CODELCO Case, Chile

WP15/17 – AVCI S.B. – Major Public Enterprises in Turkey: 2005-2013

WP15/16 – JOHNSEN S. – Revisiting the concept of Social Enterprise in a Gulf Cooperation Council (GCC) context: a social constructionist view

WP15/15 – SILVA B./ BURGER R. – Financial vulnerability: an empirical study of Ugandan NGOs

WP15/14 – LEITE J.S. – Municipalities and Social Economy.  Lessons from Portugal

WP15/13 – STERVINOU S./ BAYLE-CORDIER J./ NARVAIZA L./ ARAGON C./ ITURRIOZ C. – Worker cooperatives, a status to survive in a changing world or a status to change the world? Spain and France, two worldviews on worker cooperatives

WP15/12 – SALUSTRI A./ MOSCA M./ VIGANÒ F. – Overcoming urban-rural imbalances: the role of cooperatives and social enterprises

WP15/11 – BARNA C./ VAMESU A. – Credit Unions in Romania – a strong social enterprise model to combat financial exclusion and over indebtedness

WP15/10 – SCHAEFER C./ WARM S. – Major Public Enterprises in Germany

WP15/09 – BAJO A./ PRIMORAC M. – Major Public Enterprises in Croatia

WP15/08 –  BACCHIOCCHI E./ FERRARI M./ FLORIO M./VANDONE D. –  State-Owned Banks: Acquirers in M&A deals

WP15/07 – VENABLES T. – Rough Guide to the Impact of the Crisis on the Third Sector in Europe

WP15/06 – MELIÁ MARTÍ E./ CARNICER ANDRÉS Ma.P. – Organizational models for the major agri-food cooperative groups in the European Union

WP 15/05 – MERTENS S./ MARÉE M. – Que “produit” l’entreprise d’économie sociale ?

WP15/04 – DEMOUSTIER D./ BRALEY E./ GUÉRIN T./ RAULT D. – La construction de la statistique de l’économie sociale et solidaire (ESS) en France : une mobilisation progressive d’acteurs très divers

WP15/03 – BOUCHARD M.J./ CRUZ FILHO P./ ST-DENIS M. – Cadre conceptuel de qualification des entités de l’économie sociale dans les statistiques

WP15/02 – ARTIS A./ BOUCHARD M.J./ ROUSSELIÈRE D. – L’économie sociale compte-t-elle ? Comment la compte-t-on ? Représentations de l’économie sociale à travers les indicateurs statistiques

WP15/01 – GILLES R.P./ LAZAROVA E.A./ RUYS P.H.M – Stability in a Network Economy: The Role of Institutions


WP14/17 – KOSTAL T./ MICHALITSCH V./ OBERMANN G. – Local Public Transport in Vienna by Wiener Linien – Governance and Provision of Services

WP14/16 – CABO P./ REBELO J. – The Efficiency of the Portuguese Agricultural Credit Co-operatives Governance Model

WP14/15 – ALIX N./ BAUDET A. – La mesure de l’impact social : facteur de transformation du secteur social en Europe

WP14/14 – BANCEL J.-L./ BONED O. – Vertu retrouvée ou survie imposée, les banques coopératives dans l’après Coop Bank

WP14/13 – RUYS P. H. M. – Architecture of an Economy with Social Enterprises: the Relational Capacity Approach

WP14/12 – APARÍCIO MEIRA D. – The Portuguese Law on Social Economy

WP14/11 – MAJDZINSKA K. – Aid and Support for the Social Economy in Poland – The Case of Social Cooperatives

WP14/10 – PCOLINSKÁ L. – Social Economy, Its Perception and Possibilities of Its Development in Conditions of the Slovak Republic

WP14/09 – ARANA LANDÍN S. – Can the Uncertainty Caused by the Questioning of Tax Measures in Relation to Cooperatives by the ECJ Be Solved?

WP14/08 – ADAM S. – Social exclusion and work integration: Social cooperatives for people with mental health problems in Greece

WP14/07 – BARNA C./ VAMESU A. – Reviving Social Economy in Romania – between emerging social enterprises in all sectors, surviving communist coops, and subsidiaries of globalization actors

WP14/06 – GOETHALS C. – Relation entre l’opérateur de transport public à Bruxelles (STIB) et l’autorité organisatrice : entre asymétrie et coopération

WP14/05 – BANCE P./ REY N. – The French Post

WP14/04 – MANZI G./ FERRARI P.A. – Statistical methods for evaluating satisfaction with public services

WP14/03 – CLÒ S./DEL BO C./ FERRARIS M./ FIORIO C./FLORIO M./VANDONE D. – Publicization versus Privatization: Recent worldwide evidence

WP14/02 – SCHAEFFER C./  WARM S. – Berliner Wasserbetriebe (BWB)

WP14/01 – SCHAEFFER C./  WARM S. – Berliner Wasserbetriebe (BWB) – Water and sewage company in Berlin


WP10/12 – MATTISSON O./ THOMASSON A. – The water sector in Sweden

WP10/11 – GOETHALS C. – Les transports publics urbains en Belgique

WP10/10 – DJEMACI B. – Le service public français des déchets. Analyse nationale et étude de cas : Paris, Rouen et Besançon

WP10/09 – COLLIGNON A./ GATHON H.-J. – Les déchets en Belgique

WP10/08 – BAUBY P. – Le système français de gestion de l’eau

WP10/07 – MARSAL C. – Les mécanismes cognitifs de gouvernance : un atout pour les banques mutuelles

WP10/06 – ZADRA-VEIL C. – Urban Transport in France

WP10/05 – SÉGUIN M./ GUERRERO S. – Le tandem président – directeur général au sein de coopératives financières canadiennes : la compétence du leadership

WP10/04 – BRAZDA J. et al. – Genossenschaften und Weltwirtschaftskrise der 1930er-Jahre

WP10/03 – DIZY MENÉNDEZ D./ RUIZ CAÑETE O. – The Spanish Waste Sector: Waste Collection, Transport and Treatment

WP10/02 – MARTÍN URBANO al. – Spanish Local and Regional Public Transport

WP10/01 – MASSARUTTO A. – Municipal waste management in Italy


WP09/11 – WACKERBAUER J. – The Water Sector in Germany

WP09/10 – KLIEN M./LOSER P. – Austrian Waste Sector

WP09/09 – KLIEN M. – Water Services in Austria

WP09/08 – LOSER P. – Austrian Local and Regional Public Transport

WP09/07 – COLLIGNON A./ GATHON H.-J. – Management of water services in Belgium

WP09/06 – COLLIGNON A./ GATHON H.-J. – La gestion des services d’eau en Belgique

WP09/05 – LA SERNA C. – The reflexive assembly. Embryo of a virtuous circle in evaluating the cooperative social economy

WP09/04 – RUIZ CAÑETE O./ DIZY MENÉNDEZ D. – The Water Sector in Spain

WP09/03 – BAUBY P. – The French system of water services

WP09/02 – DJEMACI B. – Public waste management services in France. National analysis and case studies of Paris, Rouen and Besançon

WP09/01 – BARDELLI L./ ROBOTTI L. – The Water Sector in Italy