Annals of Public and Cooperative Economics

“Annals of Public and Cooperative Economics”
2023 (2-year) Impact Factor: 2.5
5-year Impact Factor: 2.4


APCE virtual issue 

“Cooperatives and the ILO over 100 Years: A selection of 12 Articles”

At this occasion a Virtual issue of Annals of Public and Cooperative Economics, edited by Marie J. Bouchard and Marieke Louis, is published this autumn on the initiative of Simel Esim, Head of Cooperatives Unit of ILO and Bernard Thiry, CIRIEC and Edgard Milhaud Foundation Director.

It is a  new collaboration between ILO and CIRIEC to celebrate the Centenary of Coop Unit of the International Labour Organization.

Since 1995 the Annals are published by Wiley-Blackwell Oxford (UK) with the support of HEC – Management School of the University of Liège.

The objective of the Annals of Public and Cooperative Economics is the publication of high quality theoretical, empirical and experimental articles primarily addressing academics in such fields as: non-profit organizations, cooperatives, social enterprises,  public enterprises, public-private enterprises, employee participation, public services provision and regulation, both in developed and developing countries.

The scientific journal is published online and in paper format on a quarterly basis and each issue contains 10 articles in English or French. A thematic issue is released once a year. Before being included in a varied number, accepted articles are published in early view.

Under the responsibility of the Director and counting on the help of an Editorial Board made up of 40 experts, the editorial policy pertains to an Editor in chief assisted by 12 co-editors. All submissions are subject to anonymous peer review.


The Annals of Public and Cooperative Economics were founded in 1908 by Professor Edgard Milhaud (Geneva). Professor Paul Lambert from the University of Liège (Belgium) directed the Annals from 1960. From 1977 to 1990, they were directed by Guy Quaden (University of Liège).Until 1925, the journal existed under the name ” Annales de la régie directe “. It then called the Annals of Collective Economy / Annals of Collective Economy. In 1964 (English edition) and in 1974 (French edition) that the current name of the journal was approved. Three editions (French, English, German – Annalen der Gemeinwirtschaft) coexisted until 1989.

The scientific journal is the basis on which the association itself was built in 1947, which became its publisher until 2017. Since 2018, the Annals have been published by the Edgard Milhaud Foundation, which was formed at the end of 2017 by CIRIEC International and CIRIEC Belgium.

The review’s 100th anniversary has been celebrated on September 22nd , 2008 in Sevilla during the 27th international Congress of CIRIEC. For this centenary, a special issue has been produced, in which we can highlight 2 articles directly devoted to the review: the very rich historical one by E. Geerkens entitled “From the Annales de la régie directe to Annals of Public and Cooperative Economics: 100 years of Transformations in an international Journal” recounting the diverse changes lived by the Annals’ over 100 years. The second one signed by F. Fecher and B. Lévesque proposes to the readers the result of a significant work consisting in a review and thematic analysis of the Annals’ content over the last 30 years.Under the title “The Public Sector and the Social Economy in the Annals (1975-2007): Towards A New Paradigm” the two authors identify the main research topics and the most used theoretical frameworks for the public sector and the social economy.

In 2018, the journal celebrates 110 years and publishes on this occasion a special issue edited by Marco Marini and Bernard Thiry in open access: An Enduring Platform for Public and Cooperative Economics Research (vol 89, 1).

Collection & subscription

The entire collection (French, English, German) since 1908, is available in paper format at CIRIEC, the online collection (from 1925 onwards) is available at Wiley online Library.

Journal’s boards


Marco MARINI (Université La Sapienza, Rome, Italie)

Avner BEN-NER (University of Minnesota, USA)
Gabriel BURDIN (Leeds University Business School, UK)
Simon CORNEE (University of Rennes 1, France)
Alessandro FEDELE (University of Bozen-Bolzano, Italy)
Massimo FLORIO (Università di Milano, Italia)
Monica GAGO (Mondragon University, Spain)
Marek HUDON (Université libre de Bruxelles, Belgique)
Uwe JIRJAHN (University of Trier, Germany)
Wanglin MA (Lincoln University , New Zealand)
Nathalie MAGNE (University of Montpellier, France)
Eoin REEVES (University of Limerick, Ireland)
Jérôme SCHOENMAECKERS (University of Liège, Belgium)

Advisory Board
Philippe BANCE (Université de Rouen, France)
Luc BERNIER ((Université d’Ottawa, Canada)
Marie J. BOUCHARD (Université du Québec à Montréal, Canada)
Rafael CHAVES (Universidad de Valencia, Espana)
Fabienne FECHER (Université de Liège, Belgique)
Dorothea GREILING (Johannes Kepler Universität Linz, Österreich)

Editorial board
Gani ALDASHEV (Université Libre de Bruxelles, Belgique)
Emmanuelle AURIOL (Université de Toulouse, France)
Leonardo BECCHETTI (Università di Roma “Tor Vergata”, Italia)
Filippo BELLOC (Università di Siena, Italia)
Jos BIJMAN (Wageningen University,  Nederland)
Judith CLIFTON (University of Cantabria, Spain)
Chris CONFORTH (Open University, Milton Keynes, UK)
Michael COOK (University of Missouri, USA)
Giacomo CORNEO (Freien Universität Berlin, Deutschland)
Helmuth CREMER (Université de Toulouse, France)
Gianni DE FRAJA (University of Nottingham, UK)
Bernard ENJOLRAS (Institute for Social Research, Oslo, Norway)
Mathias FINGER (Ecole Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne, Suisse)
Joaquim Rubens FONTES FILHO   (Fundação Getulio Vargas, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil)
Maitreesh GHATAK (London School of Economics, UK)
Hajime IMAMURA (Toyo University, Japan)
Derek JONES (Hamilton College, Clinton, USA)
Michael KOPEL (Graz Universität, Österreich)
Florence JANY-CATRICE (University of Lille, France)
Thomas LAMARCHE (Université Paris Diderot, France)
Jonathan LEAPE (London School of Economics and Political Science, UK)
Carmen MARCUELLO (University of Zaragoza, Spain)
Marguerite MENDELL (Concordia University , Canada)
Kazuhiko MIKAMI (University of Hyogo, Japan)
Jose Luis MONZÓN CAMPOS (Universidad de Valencia, España)
Adoración MOZAS MORAL (University of Jaen, Spain)
Sonia NOVKOVIC (Saint Mary’s University, Canada)
Ulf PAPENFUß (Zeppelin University Friedrichshafen, Germany)
Leandro PEREIRA MORAIS (University of Campinas, Brazil)
Sergio PERELMAN (Université de Liège, Belgique)
Virginie PEROTIN (Leeds University, UK ; Université de Paris II, France)
Pierre PESTIEAU (Université de Liège, Belgique)
Natalia PIMENTA MONTEIRO (University of Minho, Portugal)
Louis PUTTERMAN (Brown University, USA)
Susan ROSE-ACKERMAN (Yale University, New Haven, USA)
Christina SCHAEFER (Helmut Schmidt University, Hamburg, Germany)
Stephen C. SMITH (George Washington University, Washington DC, USA)
Roger SPEAR (Open University, Milton Keynes, UK)
Piret TÕNURIST (Tallinn University of Technology & OECD, Estonia)
Thierry VERDIER (Paris School of Economics, France)
Eva VOSZKA (University of Szeged, Hungary)
Catherine WADDAMS PRICE (University of East Anglia, UK)
Mildred E. WARNER (Cornell University, USA)
Ilcheong YI (United Nations Research Institute for Social Development, UNRISD)
Alberto ZEVI (Centro Studi, Legacoop, Italy)

Information to authors


Call for Papers—Instructions to Authors

Guidelines for Submission

Annals of Public and Cooperative Economics has now adopted ScholarOne Manuscripts, for online manuscript submission and peer review. The new system brings with it a whole host of benefits including:

  • Quick and easy submission
  • Administration centralised and reduced
  • Significant decrease in peer review times

From now on all submissions to the journal must be submitted online at Full instructions and support are available on the site and a user ID and password can be obtained on the first visit. If you require assistance then click the Get Help Now link which appears at the top right of every ScholarOne Manuscripts page. If you cannot submit online, please contact in the Editorial Office by e-mail.

The Editorial Board of the Annals of Public and Cooperative Economics welcomes articles, in French or English, dealing with broadly defined public, non-profit or cooperative economics (non-profit organizations, cooperatives, social enterprises, public enterprises, public-private enterprises, employee participation, public services provision and regulation, both in developed and developing countries.)
The selection criteria will focus on the originality and scientific quality of the article. Outstanding survey articles are also welcome which review relevant literature and address the key topical issues/developments within the fields mentioned above.

All papers are subject to anonymous peer review.

  1. Footnotes should be kept to a minimum and not consist of bibliographical references.
  2. Mathematical presentation of the methodology (theoretical or statistical models) should be put in appendix.
  3. Each reference should be mentioned in the text with the name of the author and the year of publication. Please set references out as follows:

FLEISHMAN J., 1983, ed., The Future of the Postal Service, New York: Praeger.

PELTZMAN S., 1976, “Toward a More General Theory of Regulation”, Journal of Law and Economics, 211–40.


The review is abstracted and indexed by Current Contents of Recent Economic Journals; Economics Literature Index; EconLit; e-JEL; JEL on CD; GEOBASE; Geographical Abstracts; Human Geography; IBSS Online; Leisure, Recreation and Tourism Abstracts; Middle East, Abstracts and Index; PAIS International Index, SCOPUS, RePEc..


CIRIEC, Université de Liège,
Quartier Agora
Place des Orateurs, 1
Bât. B33 bte 6,
BE-4000 Liège

Director : Bernard THIRY
Editor : Marco MARINI
Editorial assistant: Christine DUSSART

Fondation Edgard Milhaud


To mark its 70th anniversary and in memory of its founder, CIRIEC created the Edgard Milhaud Foundation in 2017 to promote scientific knowledge in public, social and cooperative economics. The Foundation now publishes the international journal, the Annals of the Public and Cooperative economy. Administered by a Board made up of representatives of founding members and partners, its purpose is to gather resources to promote and carry out research and scientific publications.


Its officers:        

President of the Board of Directors: Alain Arnaud, Former President of the Mutualité Fonction Publique and President of CIRIEC-France

Director: Bernard Thiry, Professor at the University of Liège..