“Public policies and social and democratic issues of globalisation: what projects to be developed by the public, social and cooperative economy?”
Workshops’ content:
- The State as strategist and public policies
- The dynamics of social and solidarity economy
- Social innovation and reduction of inequalities
- Issues of digital transition
Thursday 22 September PLENARY SESSION 1 José Pablo PUZINO – presentation – summary EN – summary ES PLENARY SESSION 2: ECONOMIC AND SOCIAL REALITIES IN THE WORLD Africa : Fatou SARR – presentation – summary WORKSHOP A: “THE STATE AS STRATEGIST AND PUBLIC POLICIES” Luc BERNIER “Public enterprise, strategic tool of public policies” WORKSHOP B: “THE DYNAMICS OF SOCIAL AND SOLIDARITY ECONOMY (SSE)” Emmanuel VERNY “Institutional recognition of the SSE by State’ nature, importance and impact of means actually implemente“ José Alberto PEREIRA PITACAS “Contribution of the SSE to the economic and social developement” WORKSHOP C: “SOCIAL INNOVATION AND REDUCTION OF INEQUALITIES IN THE TERRITORIES” Patrick DEVELTERE “Issues and challenges of multilevel public governance with respect to growing social and territorial inequalities” WORKSHOP D: “ISSUES OF DIGITAL TRANSITION” Ulrike HUEMER “The contribution of the Digital to the improvement of the living conditions” – presentation – text Friday 23 September Françoise GENG KEYNOTE SPEAKER: MONIQUE CASTILLO “PHILOSOPHICAL VIEW ON GLOBALISATION” – présentation – texte EDGARD MILHAUD PRIZE: LEONARD MOULIN , other informations herePRESENTATIONS:
Philippe BANCE – presentation
South America : Dimas GONCALVES (presentation) & Leandro PEREIRA MORAIS (presentation)
North America : Benoît LEVESQUE & Luc BERNIER – presentation
Hernando ZABALA SALAZAR “Development policies for the social and solidarity economy in Colombia” – presentation EN – presentation ES – Text EN – Text ES
Francesco TIMPANO “The local provision of public services: municipal capitalism, PPP’s schemes and the regulation issues in Italy”
Claude NORMANDIN “Socially responsible financing of the SSE”
Francisco ALVAREZ MOLINA “Wealth sharing : the necessary renewal”
Mario FAGIOLO “Results and challenges of public policies for SSE: the case of water” – presentation – text ES – text EN
Louis MARTIN “The challenge of the “commons” and shared resources for the developement of a collaborative digital economy” – presentation – text
Jean-Philippe POULNOT – presentation – texte
Monique CASTILLO, Professor: “PHILOSOPHICAL VIEW ON GLOBALISATION” Professor Monique Castillo (University Paris-Est) dedicates her researches to the political philosophy applied to the questioning of socio-economic models and value systems, considering any specific international issue. – “Faire renaissance: une éthique publique pour demain” (Vrin, 2016) Jean-Hervé LORENZI: “OUTLOOK OVER THE WORLD ECONOMY 2016-2030” Jean-Hervé Lorenzi, French economist, was professor of economics (Paris 13, Paris Dauphine), Economic Advisor to the French government, member of the Conseil d’analyse économique, and is now President of the French think-tank Le Cercle des économistes. He holds the chair Transition Démographique, Transition Economique at the Fondation du Risque in partnership with University Paris X. Author of many publications and present in the media arena, Jean-Hervé Lorenzi deals with the question of international economic growth, the problem of ageing or youth in today’s society: – “France, le désarroi de la jeunesse” (Eyrolles, 2016)
More info: info@ciriec-france.org CALL FOR PAPERS, deadline to send us a summary: 10 june 2016. Information
– “L’identité en question” (Cercle Condorcet d’Auxerre, 2013)
– “Choc démographique, rebond économique” (Descartes & Cie, 2016).
– “Un monde de violences, l’économie mondiale 2016-2030” (Eyrolles, 2015)EDGARD MILHAUD PRIZE 2016:
Edgard Milhaud Prize 2016 will be awarded during the Congress in Reims. The winner of the 2016 edition is Leonard Moulin for his thesis “Tuition Fee in Higher Education: Issues, Limitations and Perspectives“