1- Special Issue on “Social and Solidarity Economy and Local Sustainable Development”
Vol. 18, issue 2/2019 of the REASER (Review of Applied Socio-Economic Research)
2- Special Issue on “New era of Social and Solidarity Economy”
MDKE (Management Dynamics in the Knowledge Economy)
3- Special Issue on “Social and Solidarity Economy – challenges and perspectives for sustainable development”
Vol. 18, issue 1/2020 of Quality of Life Journal
4- Special Issue on “The contribution of the commons to open and shared access to productive resources and essential goods and services”
Vol. 92, I, 2021 of APCE (Annals of Publics and cooperative Economics)
- COMPTE-RENDU par Sonia BENDIMERAD (RECMA, Revue internationale de l’économie sociale, 2019/Vol.3 (Nº353), pp 13-15) ICI
- 2 articles published in APCE:
- WP20/02 – GAJAC O./ PELEK S. – L’Economie solidaire en Turquie et son écosystème : un avenir encore incertain
- WP19/30 – FAJARDO GARCÍA G. – Falsas cooperativas de trabajadores y medidas adoptadas por los poderes públicos en España para combatirlas
- WP19/29 – BASTIDA M./ OLVEIRA A. – La Red Eusumo: instrumento público al servicio los ODS en Galicia
- WP19/28 – PČOLINSKÁ L. – Overview of social economy development in Slovakia and its promoting as the employment solution for long-term unemployed and disabled ones
- WP19/27 – MARTINELLI F./ BOZZONI S./ CAROLI S./ TAMASCELLI F./ GUERINI G. – Platform Cooperativism in Italy and in Europe
- WP19/23 – CLAMP C./ AMENDAH E.R./ COREN C. – Shared-Services Cooperatives: Strengthening Local Economies through Collaboration
- WP19/22 – SPEAR R./ CHAN C. K M – Social Innovation – Scaling Social Impact: a Danish Case Study
- WP19/21 – OLLÉ-ESPLUGA L./ MUCKENHUBER J./ HADLER M. – Job Quality in Economy for the Common Good Firms in Austria and Germany
- WP19/20 – GIAGNOCAVO C./ HERNÁNDEZ CÁCERES D. – Creación de un nuevo bien común para las cooperativas agrícolas: Big data, TIC e intercambio de datos
- WP19/19 – NAGAO MENEZES D. F. – Self-Management Report in Brazil – Technical Concepts and Challenges
- WP19/18 – BEHRENDT G./ PETER S./ STERLY S./ HÄRING A. M. – Community financing in the German organic food sector: a key for sustainable food systems?
- WP19/17 – LAMBRU M./ PETRESCU C. – Social enterprises role in Romanian welfare system
- WP19/16 – DACHEUX É./ GOUJON D. – Vers un nouveau paradigme ancré dans les pratiques d’économie solidaire : le délibéralisme
- WP19/15 – OPINCARU I-S./ CRÂNGAȘU D. – Measuring the Impact of a Social Enterprise – Case Study CONCORDIA Bakery, Romania
- WP19/14 – COSTANTINI A./ PASTORELLI G./ SEBILLO A. – How Social Enterprises Contribute to Alternative Food Systems
- WP19/13 – BASSI A./ FABBRI A. – Workers BuyOut: why employee-owned enterprises are more resilient than corporate business in time of economic and financial crisis? The case of Emilia-Romagna Region
- WP19/12 – PERRIN A. – New Trends in the Social and Solidarity Economy Regarding Agriculture and Food: A Comparison between France and India
- WP19/10 – VIGANÒ F./ SALUSTRI A. – Partnering with Civil Society Organizations. The role of volunteers and not for profit organizations in the provision of welfare services
- WP19/09 – FUJIWARA N. – International City Network and Public-Private Cooperation for Urban Water-Environment Management: A Study of Japanese Public Water Services’ Overseas Expansion
- WP19/08 – DRIGUEZ L. – De l’intérêt de créer un nouveau concept : la lucrativité limitée
- WP19/07 – BOUAZZA A./ NAFIL Y. – Rôle de l’Innovation Sociale dans le Développement Socioéconomique au Maroc : Premières Constatations à partir de la Littérature, et Etude de Cas de 4 Associations Socialement Innovantes
Thursday, 6th June 2019
Opening Session
Chair: Alain Arnaud, (EN version), CIRIEC President
- Welcome speech by the Rector of the University of Bucharest Mircea Dumitru
- Ancuta Vamesu, Conference Local Organizing Committee
- Marie J. Bouchard, Conference Scientific Committee , President of the CIRIEC International Scientific Commission on Social and Cooperative Economy, Université du Québec à Montréal, Canada
- Remus Pricopie, Professor, Rector National University of Political Studies and Public Administration
Round Table with representatives of international organizations
“Moving Towards a New Economic System”
Moderator, Marie J. Bouchard
- Andrew Allimadi, United Nations Department of Economic and Social Affairs, UNDESA
- Simel Esim, International Labour Organization (ILO)
- Ilcheong Yi, United Nations Research Institute for Social Development (UNRISD), United Nations Task Force Social and Solidarity Economy (UNTFSSE)
Plenary Session 1
Chair: Bernard Thiry, CIRIEC Director
- José Luis Monzón Campos, Professor, University of Valencia, Spain CIRIEC-España
- Valention Ionesco, ex Secretary of State for Employment responsible with Social Economy
- Adrian Morar, Director General, Central Cooperatist Bank CREDITCOOP
- Raluca Ouriaghli, RISE Romanian Network of Work Integration Social Enterprises
- Gheorghe Chioaru, (OTHER PAPER), President Federation Omenia of Old Age Mutuals / Credit Unions CARP Romania
- Diana Certan, CONCORDIA Humanitarian Organisation, Executive Director Communication and Fundraising
Friday, 7th June 2019
Parallel thematic workshops A
A1 – SE and the Renewal Debate of Economy and Enterprise, chair Nadine Richez Battesti
- Théorie de l’agence et démocratie : analyse critique de l’application déontologique de la démocratie au sein des coopératives, Michel Séguin
- SSE at the risk of the renewal of the debate on enterprise?, Nadine Richez-Battesti, Eric Bidet and Maryline Filippi
- The interest in creating a new legal concept: limited lucrativity, Laetitia Driguez (SLIDES)
- Rethinking the Economy, Karl Birkhölzer and Günther Lorenz (SLIDES)
- Après le paradigme keynésien et le paradigme du libéralisme économique, la place essentielle de l’ESS dans un nouveau paradigme pour le XXIe siècle, Pierre Bauby (SLIDES – PAPER)
A2 – SE and SGDs, chair Marietta Bucheli
- La economía social y solidaria y la implementación de los objetivos de desarrollo sostenible, José Pitacas
- Cooperative principles and gender equality in Portugal – the relevance of gender quotas, Deolinda Meira and Ana Martinho (SLIDES)
- The role of social economy organisations in the European strategy for promoting decent and inclusive employment, Isabel Gemma Fajardo Garcia, Deolinda Meira and Ana Luisa Martinho (SLIDES)
- Sustainable development and collaborative economy: a multiple case study in Brazil, Daniel Menezes
- Encíclica Laudato Si y Objetivos del desarrollo sostenible –ODS- ¿expresiones complementarias o contrarias a los desafíos de la relación sociedad-naturaleza?: estrategias de respuesta desde organizaciones solidarias en Colombia, Marietta Bucheli and Juan-Fernando Alvarez
A3 – SSE and SDGs, chair Konstantina Zoerher
- Towards a typology of transformative social innovation, Konstantina Zoehrer
- Desarrollo turístico estratégico, sustentable y participativo. La Feria Artesanal y Productiva Upianita, Silvia Rueda, Ofelia Josefina Montenegro de Siquot, Zunilde Barrientos, Edgardo Argibay, Luis Moyano and Gabriela Banegas
- El emprendimiento social como motor de desarrollo sostenible: propuesta de un modelo para fortalecer la gestión del impacto social en los grupos de interés, Lina María Murillo Pérez
- Un comparativo entre concepciones y actores de la economia solidaria en Brasil y Colombia, Ednalva Feliz Das neves and Juan Fernando Alvarez (PAPER)
A4 – Worker owned enterprises : governance, chair Ignacio Bretos
- Le travail coopératif : quelle réalisation de l’idéal autogestionnaire?, Marion Maignan and Hajar El Karmouni
- The sub-systems shaping lean production and their application in italian work-integration social enterprises, Silvia Sacchetti and Andrea Signoretti
- Failures in governance of large worker cooperatives. Lessons from the demised Fagor Electrodomésticos, Imanol Basterretxea, Iñaki Heras-Saizarbitoria and Chris Cornforth
- Workers BuyOut: why employee-owned enterprises are more resilient than corporate business in time of economic and financial crisis? The case of Emilia-Romagna Region, Andrea Bassi and Alessandro Fabbri (SLIDES – PAPER)
- Employee participation practices across organizational and institutional divides: The case of worker-owned multinationals, Ignacio Bretos, Anjel Errasti, Carmen Marcuello and Millan Díaz-Foncea (SLIDES)
A5 – Evaluating SSE Innovatively, chair Sonia Bendimerad
- Job quality in economy for the common good firms in Austria and Germany, Laia OlléEspluga, Johanna Muckenhuber and Markus Hadler
- Aider les porteurs de projet à l’autodiagnostic : vers une approche quantitative de l’innovation sociale et de son impact, Sonia Bendimerad and Valerie Billaudeau (SLIDES)
- Moving towards a new economic paradigme: the deliberlism, Daniel Goujon and Eric Dacheux
- Social economy enterprises in Eastern and Southern Europe: a wave of innovation, Gianluca Pastorelli and Anastasia Costantini (SLIDES)
A6 – Cooperatives models facing current socio-economic challenges, chair Claudia Sanchez Bajo
- The role of the organization of consumption for production support in food cooperatives: the case study of Temiz Hasat Consumption Cooperative, Damla Ozekan (SLIDES)
- Moving towards a new cooperative system in the agriculture sector in Romania, Florentin Bercu and Ancut Vamesu
- Are agricultural cooperatives inclusive? A critical review of the arguments and evidence, Jos Bijman and Gea Wijers
- Cooperatives contribution to positive peacebuilding and sustainable development, Claudia Sanchez Bajo
A7 – New technologies and SSE, chair Alexandra Zbuchea
- Designing social inclusion through information technology, Mauro Romanelli and Alexandra Zbuchea
- Creating a new commons for agricultural cooperatives: Big data, ICT and data sharing, Cynthia Giagnocavo and Daniel Hernández-Caceres
- Propuesta de innovación para la toma de decisiones en las cooperativas de ahorro de Ecuador a través de la gamificación, Bernardo Salgado, Javier Herrán and Angel TorresToukoumidis
- Las TIC como instrumento de desarrollo en el cooperativismo oleícola de segundo grado, Adoración Mozas Moral, Enrique Bernal Jurado, Domingo Fernández Uclés and Miguel Jesús Medina Viruel
Plenary Session 2 “SSE and Europe”
Chair: Ionut Sibian, Civil Society Development Foundation, EESC Member Romania
- Daniela Morsalu, Minister of Labor and Social Justice/ Minister of European Affairs Romania
- Patrick Klein, European Commission, DG Internal Market, Industry, Entrepreneurship and SMEs (GROW), Unit „Advanced Technologies, Clusters and Social Economy”, Head of the Social Economy Team
- Alain Coheur, European Economic Social Committee
- Victor Meseguer, Director, Social Economy Europe
Plenary Session 3 “SEE and the World”
Chair: Mihaela Lambru, University of Bucharest
- Ariel Guarco, President, International Cooperative Alliance, ICA
- Carlo Borzaga, Professor, University of Trento, President of EURICSE, Italy
- Marie J.Bouchard, Professor, Université du Québec à Montréal, CIRIEC International, Canada
Parallel thematic workshops B
B1 – SE and governance, chair Carmen Marcuello
- The role of social economy organizations in the era of aging society – The case of Southeast Asian Countries, Katsunori Kaneko
- The dilemma of civil society in the elderly care service market in Japan, Nobuko Kanaya
- Saine gouvernance : Quels avantages pour les coopératives d’habitation?, Marie-Claude Beaudin and Hanen Khemakhem
- Organizational trajectories in growing cooperatives: Insights from a longitudinal process study of the Mondragon eco-system, Ignacio Bretos, Anjel Errasti, Carmen Marcuello and Millán Díaz-Foncea (SLIDES)
B2 – Financing SSE Enterprises, chair Cristina Clamp
- Investment on scalable business models for promoting social economy, María Jesús Gadea Moya, F. Javier Ribal and Ana Blasco-Ruiz (SLIDES + POSTER)
- Mobiliser les ressources bancaires et financières comme des communs : le rôle des acteurs bancaires et financiers de l’économie sociale et solidaire, Nicole Alix and Geneviève Fontaine (SLIDES + PAPER)
- Inclusive finance initiatives by worker-owned labour banks, Akira Kurimoto (SLIDES)
- Strategic delegation in nongovernmental organizations, Marco Marini and Michael Kopel
B3 – Social Innovation in SSE Education, chair Deborah Ralls
- “El ecosistema de la ESS”. una experiencia de innovación educativa a través del design thinking, Raquel Ortiz-Ledesma
- A holistic approach to interaction between social enterprises and universities – from entrepreneurship education to strategic engagement, Andrew Brady and Magdalena Partac (SLIDES)
- Redefining education for a social solidarity urban economy: becoming relational, Deborah Ralls
- Semilleros de investigación como estrategia de enseñanza-aprendizaje para el fortalecimiento de cooperativas y emprendimientos solidarios: una experiencia desde del Instituto Federal do Pará-Campus Santarém, Amazonia, Norte de Brasil, Carmem Lúcia Leal de Andrade
B4 – Social Innovation and SSE in Social Services, chair Jose Carlos Suarez Herrera
- Transformational Leadership for the Development of the Medical Insurance Cooperatives in South Korea: The Blue Cross Medical Insurance Cooperative and its pioneering leader, Jang Gi-Ryo, Kim Eunsik and Han Do-Hyun
- Partnering with Civil Society Organizations. The contribute of volunteers and not for profit organizations in the provision of services of general interests, Federica Vigano’ and Andrea Salustri (SLIDES)
- Network governance and cross-sector collaboration practices in Quebec (Canada): a vector of social innovation, José Carlos Suarez Herrera, Deena White and Jean-Louis Denis
- Social economy – opportunity and challenge for development of social services, Adina Rebeleanu and Florina Demian
B5 – SE Ecosystems, chair Rafael Chaves
- A Comparison Of Cooperative Ecosystems, Gea Wijers (SLIDES – PAPER)
- Social economy entities and its eco-system in different European countries –an comparative analyse based on International research project – RESCuE, Witold Mandrysz and Kazimiera Wódz (SLIDES)
- The solidarity economy in Turkey and its ecosystem: a future still uncertain with the emergence of the plurality of models and the hybridization of resources, Olivier Gajac and Selin Pelek (PAPER)
- Building ecosystems for solidarity economy: Synergies between politically oriented consumerism and mobilizational citizenship In an alternative marketspace in Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil, Ana Margarida Esteves
B6 – Typologies of Social Entities, chair Alberto Zevi
- Social enterprises typologies in Romania, Lambru Mihaela and Claudia Petrescu
- Cartografía del cuarto sector en chile: desarrollando el modelo +i, Paula Miranda and Sybil Caballero
- Cybernetic systemic study of the organizational viability of the second degree cooperatives in Chile, Pedro Narvarte and Camila Saldivar
- Italian non-prevalent mutual cooperatives: a first study, Alberto Zevi
B7 – Social Enterprise in CEE Region, chair Dražen Simleša
- Is the youth’ decision to have their own business, a sensitive approach on gender?, IonelaMituko Vlad
- The socio-economic impact of the social enterprise CONCORDIA Bakery, Romania, Irina Sinziana Opincaru and Doina Crangasu (SLIDES – PAPER)
- The road towards social circular economy in Romania, Monica Alina Danciu, Alina Oana Ciomos, Simina Elena Lakatos, Matthew Greenley and Laura Bacali
- Social entrepreneurship in Romania opportunities and a research agenda, Sorin Blaga, David Cunneen and Philip Rosenberger III (SLIDES)
- Educating work integration social enterprises (WISEs) in Croatia, Drazen Simlesa
Parallel thematic workshops C
C1 – SSE Impact Indicators and Strategies, chair Ilcheong Yi
- Sustainable development performance indicators for social and solidarity economy – state of the art, Gabriel Salathé-Beaulieu, Marie J. Bouchard and Marguerite Mendell (SLIDES+ PAPER)
- Defining “social economy impact” in a danish EU-context, Gurli Jakobsen and Anker Brink Lund
- Introducing cooperative capital as input and output of cooperatives, Gerhard Kosinowski
- Social innovation scaling and replication a danish case study, Roger Spear
C2 – SSE and Food Sustainability, chair Claudia Petrescu
- Co-operatives and sustainability: case study of the greener dairy farms programme in Carbery Group, Ireland, Sinead Treanor and Noreen Byrne
- Community financing in the German organic food sector: a key for sustainable food systems?, Gerlinde Behrendt, Sarah Peter, Simone Sterly and Anna Maria Häring (SLIDES)
- New trends in the social and solidarity economy regarding agriculture and food: a comparison between France and India, Antoine Perrin (SLIDES – PAPER)
- How social enterprises contribute to alternative food systems, Anastasia Costantini, Gianluca Pastorelli and Alessia Sebillo (SLIDES)
C3 – SE and Public Policies, chair Rafael Chaves
- La economía popular y solidaria en ecuador: políticas públicas y prácticas económicas no monetarias y sostenibles en los emprendimientos asociativos, Arturo Luque González, Aitor Bengoetxea Alkorta and Jaime Leónidas Ordoñez Salcedo (SLIDES)
- La Red Eusumo: instrumento público al servicio los ODS en Galicia, María Bastida Domínguez and Ana Olveira Blanco (PAPER)
- A new generation of public policies fostering social economy in Europe. The case of Spain, Rafael Chaves-Avila (SLIDES)
- Impacto social y económico del tercer sector en españa. Evaluación del programa de subvenciones, Teresa Savall Morera, Sergio Moises Afcha Chavez, Marta Roig Casanova and Francisco Higón Tamarit
C4 – SE common goods, local economy and poverty, chair Dorothea Greiling
- International city network and public public-private cooperation for urban water-environment management: a study of japanese public water services’ overseas expansion, Naoki Fujiwara (SLIDES – PAPER)
- Urban poverty in Europe – poverty reduction policies and measures, Melanie Schinnerl and Dorothea Greiling
- Commodity towards common good. The users and NGO’s involvement in water utilities in European Union (study cases in France, Italy, Romania), Emmanuelle Hellier
- Shared-services cooperatives: strengthening local economies through collaboration, Christina Clamp, Eklou Amendah and Carol Coren
C5 – Institutions, Society Change and Commons, chair Nicole Alix
- Redistribution des cadres institutionnels de gouvernance des communs. Le modèle économique solidaires de propriété foncière d’un réseau-foncier-citoyen en France, Pascal Lombard (PAPER)
- Mountain rural commons in Italy: a participation dilemma in a changing society, Cristina Dalla Torre, Andrea Membretti and Andrea Omizzolo (SLIDES)
- Competition, information and cooperation, Gianna Lotito, Matteo Migheli and Guido Ortona
- SEE organizations and commons, Philippe Bance
C6 – Workers owned enterprises : policies and laws, chair Gemma Fajardo
- La empresa de todos: el caso de ecuador a través de sus políticas y prácticas sociales sostenibles, Arturo Luque González and Jaime Leonidas Ordoñez
- Las Cooperativas de Trabajo Asociado ante una nueva encrucijada: el futuro del empleo y el trabajo decente, Manuel Garcia-Jimenez and Federic Lopez I Mora (SLIDES + PAPER)
- Self-management report in Brazil, Daniel Menezes
- Social economy eco-systems for worker’s welfare: visibility, policies and networks, Akira Kurimoto (SLIDES)
- Participación Institucional En La Experiencia Cooperativa De Mondragon. Diagnóstico, Retos Y Estrategias, Leire Uriarte Zabala, Mirene Zufiaurre Astigarraga and Oier Imaz Alias
- Falsas cooperativas de trabajadores y medidas adoptadas por los poderes públicos en España para combatirlas, Isabel-Gemma Fajardo-García (SLIDES – PAPER)
C7 – Financial Performance and Organizational Issues in SSE Enterprises, chair Kazuhiko Mikami
- Cooperativas de ahorro y crédito en Ecuador: el desafío de ser cooperativas, Jacqueline Penaherrera Melo and Arturo Luque Gonzalez (SLIDES)
- The signaling effect of ambidexterity of social enterprises on acquiring financial resources in South Korea, Chang Gue Lim, Sang-Youn Lee and Gil Soon Yoon
- On the emergence of non-profit orchestras, Kazuhiko Mikami
- Diversificación financiera y preferencias financieras de los gestores en las organizaciones nonprofit españolas. Financial diversification and manager’s financial preferences in Spanish nonprofit organizations, Francisco J. López-Arceiz, Ana Bellostas and Pilar Rivera
- The capital structure of cooperative firms. An international comparative study, Flavio Bazzana, Ivana Catturani and Chiara Carini
Saturday, 8th June 2018
Parallel thematic workshops D
D1 – Theory of Commons and Ethics, chair Andrea Salustri
- Hacia el derecho a una vida digna en los proyectos de vivienda sociales, Marina Esthela Pazmiño Pazmiño (SLIDES)
- Le role de la dynamique institutionnelle de l’economie sociale et solidaire dans l’empowerment communautaire : cas des cooperatives feminines de la region Souss Massa-Maroc, Sanae Rhabra
- Reflexiones sobre el trabajo en la filosofía de los commons, Daniel Menezes
- Commons: discerning its theory to support SSE, Alexandre Guttmann
D2 – SSE and local sustainable development, chair Jos Bijman
- The contribution to sustainability of the Agricultural Transformation Societies in the Canary Islands, Beatriz Guzmán Pérez, Cándido Román Cervantes, María Victoria Pérez Monteverde Javier Mendoza Jiménez
- Community agency, needs mapping and solidarity economics in resource depleted communities, Charles Fonchingong Che (SLIDES + PAPER)
- The role of the social and solidarity economy on sustainable development, Manuel Belo Moreira
- Social economy as factor of social development in rural areas, Simona Maria Stanescu
- Solidarity economy and a case study from Turkey: boğatepe village, çiğdem Boz
D3 – Evaluating SSE Innovatively, chair Ana Luisa Martinho
- Horticultural social cooperatives and acknowledgment of mechanical development: patterns and qualities for improving their productivity, Georgios Alexopoulos (SLIDES – PAPER)
- Social economy enterprise type honeycomb network, the motor of economic growth in local romanians communities, Florina-Valentina Nicolae (SLIDES)
- An essay on the economic-financial performance of cooperative societies under the market, members and regional development dimensions, Paola Richter Londero, Anelise, Krauspenhar Pinto Figari, Fabiana Cherubim Bortoleto and Luana Zanetti Trindade
- Possibilities and limitations of social and solidarity economy in the post-disaster affected areas of Tohoku, Japan, Fumihiko Saito
- Gender neutral testing as an important tool for social economy organisations, Ana Luisa Martinho, Ana Cláudia Rodrigues, Ana Isabel Couto and Manuel Salvador (SLIDES)
D4 – Technology, digitalisation and the SEs, chair Alexandra Zbuchea
- Las TIC como instrumento de desarrollo en el cooperativismo oleícola de segundo grado, Adoración Mozas Moral, Enrique Bernal Jurado, Domingo Fernández Uclés and Miguel Jesús Medina Viruel
- The influence of digital transformation and approach on the social economy and solidarity, Marian-Sorin Ionescu (SLIDES)
- Technological changes and the importance of strengthening the entrepreneurial ecosystem for the social and solidarity economy (SSE), Leandro Morais and Miguel Bacic (SLIDES)
- Platform cooperativism in Italy and in Europe, Francesca Martinelli, Samuele Bozzoni, Simone Caroli, Francesca Tamascelli and Giuseppe Guerini
D5 – Workers owned entreprises : governance, Chair Angel Errasti
- L’expérience de MCE Conseils au service de la conversion d’entreprises privées en coopératives de travail: les facteurs clé de succès, Claude Dorion
- The economic preferences of cooperative managers, Guillermo Alves, Pablo Blanchard, Gabriel Burdin, Mariana Chavez and Andres Dean
- Clustering and Clusters of Worker Cooperatives: Evidence from France, Thibault Mirabel
- Job creation in Cooperatives and social enterprises, Stavroula Demetriades
- The challenge of cooperative multinationalisation, Anjel Errasti, Ignacio Bretos, Carmen Marcuello and Jean Phillipe Poulnot
D6 – Efficiency and Capital Structure of Co-operatives, chair Carmem Lúcia Leal de Andrade
- A review of the efficiency analysis in the agricultural cooperative sector, Fernando Vidal, Jesús T. Pastor and Juan Aparicio
- Do solidarity credit unions have the same efficiency as those market-based? An efficiency analysis of Brazilian credit unions, Vilmar Rodrigues Moreira, Rafael Luiz Junges and Tomas Sparano Martins (SLIDES)
D7 – Financing Issues and Perspectives in SSE Enterprises, chair Paul Jones
- Obligations à impact social: une nouvelle voie pour le financement des entreprises de l’économie sociale et solidaire?, Margaux Morteo
- Acceso a la financiación de proyectos de emprendimiento social a través de plataformas en red y su relación con los Objetivos de Desarrollo Sostenible, Paloma Bel Durán, Gustavo Lejarriaga Pérez de Las Vacas, Sonia Martín López and Javier Sánchez Espada (SLIDES + PAPER)
Parallel thematic workshops E
E1 – Social enterprise in CEE Region, chair Adina Rebeleanu
- Social economy in croatia: disruption and diversity after transition, Sonja Novković and Dražen šimleša
- Promoting social economy in emergent EU countries: Potential of the social economy in Slovakia, Lenka Pčolinská (SLIDES)
- Social enterprises role in Romanian welfare system, Claudia Petrescu and Mihaela Lambru (PAPER)
- Solidarity economy and the commons: implications for Central and Eastern Europe, Agnes Gagyi
E2 – Statistics of SSE, chair Miguel Ángel Alarcón Conde
- Social Economy sports organizations in the autonomous region of Valencia, Antonio González-Rojas
- Factores críticos para la medición del impacto económico y social de las cooperativas en Colombia, Nestor Rodríguez, Martha Godoy and Fredys Simancas (PAPER)
- Dimensiones y mapeo de las organizaciones del sector de la Economía Social en el Conurbano Santiago del Estero- Banda. República Argentina, Ofelia Josefina Montenegro de Siquot, Silvia Mercedes Rueda de García, Osvaldo Peiretti, Edgardo Argibay, Luis Moyano, Lidia Acuña, Gabriela Banegas, Jorge Daniel Durando and Graciela Figueroa
- The measurement of the social and economic value of the social economy from a modern institutional economics approach, Miguel Ángel Alarcón Conde (SLIDES)
E3 – Worker owned enterprises : Challenges, chair Elena Melia
- Current challenges and future potentials of social economy in Croatia, Zdenko Babić and Danijel Baturina (SLIDES)
- CSR in social economy enterprises: valuation of the owner-partners on the actions of their company, Candido Roman-Cervantes and Olga Gonzalez-Morales
- Calidad del empleo creado en las cooperativas y sociedades laborales españolas durante la recuperación económica 2013-2016, Rosa Belén Castro Núñez and Rosa Santero
- Employee-owned enterprises in technological sector: influence of their social and participatory profile in their performance, Elena Meliá-Martí, Jordi Capó-Vicedo and Juan F. Juliá-Igual (PAPER)
- A cooperative theory of the firm applied to marketing consulting cooperative, Tomas Sparano Martins and Vilmar Rodrigues Moreira
E4 – Enterprises, corporate frameworks and commons, chair Philippe Bance
- Coopérative et commun : la participation des sociétaires dans une ScIc fournisseur d’énergie renouvelable, Isabelle Dedun, Alexandrine Lapoutte and Mathilde Sihr
- Romanian Mountain Commons Project, Irina Sinziana Opincaru, Monica Vasile, George Iordachescu and Stefan Voicu (SLIDES)
- La grande entreprise dans le translocalisme des communs : le cas de la Coopérative agricole Carrefour Vărăşti, Herve Defalvard and Gheorghe Teodor Ciascai
- Approaches to urban commons: reflections to conceptualize integrated solid waste management with social inclusion, Luisa Tovar (SLIDES)
- Partenariat ESS-Public pour la justice alimentaire : une étude de cas, Alexandrine Lapoutte and Georges Alakpa
E5 – Role of SSE organizations for the future of rural livelihoods, chair Manuel Belo Moreira
- Perfil del talento emprendedor de Mapuches (Kūzawchefe) en Chile (Wallmapu), Ismael Romero Mancheño and Paula Miranda Sanchez
- La economía social y solidaria (ESS) en nuestra región (México, Centroamérica y El Caribe), Roberto Cañedo and María Del Carmen Barragán (SLIDES + PAPER)
- A case study about the development of social economy at Japanese rural areas under depopulation, Kazuhiko Tabata
- Is the social economy a room for the empowerment of women?, Rosa Montalban
E6 – Social Responsibility in SSE Enterprises, chair Noreen Byrne
- Are European cooperative banks more responsible? Ouafa Ouyahia
- Can co-operative banking improve South Africans’ societal and financial well-being?, Master Mushonga, Thankom G Arun and Nyankomo Marwa
- Corporate social responsibility in banking industry: What place for extra-financial ratings?, Rayene Djellab and Nicolas Huchet
- Proving the credit union difference, Paul Anthony Jones
E7 – SSE Creating Jobs and Wealth innovatively, chair Mark Kaswan
- Socio-economic contributions of migrants’ enterprises in Rome (SECMER). The case of Peruvian and Ecuadorian entrepreneurs, Cristiano Colombi, Flavio Mancini, Olha Kostyuk, Olha Zhyvytsya and Alessia Armini
- Worker cooperative development in the U.S.: top-down vs. bottom-up approaches, Mark Kaswan (SLIDES + PAPER)
- Hosting Refugees in Mountain Areas as a new Form of Social Innovation, Manfred Perlik
- Rôle de l’innovation sociale dans le développement socioéconomique au maroc : premières constatations à partir de la littérature, et etude de cas de 4 associations socialement innovantes, Abdellatif Bouazza and Youssef Nafil (SLIDES)
Plenary Session 4 “The future of SSE”
Chair: L. Beaulieu, CIRIEC Honorary President
- Patrick Develtere, Principal Adviser for European Social Policy at the European Political Strategy Centre (EPSC)
- Rafael Chaves, Professor, University of Valencia and CIRIEC España
- Mihaela Lambru, Professor, University of Bucharest, Faculty of Sociology and Social Work
Closing Session
Co-Chairs: Alain Arnaud, CIRIEC President & Alexandra Zbuchea, ViceDean Faculty of
Management, National School of Political & Administrative Science
Marie J. Bouchard & Cristina Barna (7th Conference Committtee)
Opening session
Plenary session 1
Round table
Opening Cocktail
Plenary session 2
Plenary session 3
Plenary session 4
Closing session
Local Organizers
- Laboratorul de Solidaritate
Laboratorul de Solidaritate (Solidarity Laboratory) is an association by Romanian law founded in 2013 with the mission of promoting social economy and cooperative development in Romania (contacts: Ancuta VAMESU, Cristina BARNA) - University of Bucharest – Faculty of Sociology
- National School of Political and Administrative Studies
- The Civil Society Development Foundation