1- Special Issue on “Social and Solidarity Economy and Local Sustainable Development”
Vol. 18, issue 2/2019 of the REASER (Review of Applied Socio-Economic Research)
2- Special Issue on « New era of Social and Solidarity Economy »
MDKE (Management Dynamics in the Knowledge Economy)
3- Special Issue on « Social and Solidarity Economy – challenges and perspectives for sustainable development »
Vol. 18, issue 1/2020 of Quality of Life Journal
4- Special Issue on « The contribution of the commons to open and shared access to productive resources and essential goods and services »
Vol. 92, I, 2021 of APCE (Annals of Publics and cooperative Economics)
Introduction : Le rôle grandissant et la diversité des formes de communs pour la production et la préservation des biens et services essentiels / PHILIPPE BANCE et JERÔME SCHOENMAECKERS =>ICI
- COMPTE-RENDU par Sonia BENDIMERAD (RECMA, Revue internationale de l’économie sociale, 2019/Vol.3 (Nº353), pp 13-15) ICI
- 2 articles published in APCE:
- WP20/02 – GAJAC O./ PELEK S. – L’Economie solidaire en Turquie et son écosystème : un avenir encore incertain
- WP19/30 – FAJARDO GARCÍA G. – Falsas cooperativas de trabajadores y medidas adoptadas por los poderes públicos en España para combatirlas
- WP19/29 – BASTIDA M./ OLVEIRA A. – La Red Eusumo: instrumento público al servicio los ODS en Galicia
- WP19/28 – PČOLINSKÁ L. – Overview of social economy development in Slovakia and its promoting as the employment solution for long-term unemployed and disabled ones
- WP19/27 – MARTINELLI F./ BOZZONI S./ CAROLI S./ TAMASCELLI F./ GUERINI G. – Platform Cooperativism in Italy and in Europe
- WP19/23 – CLAMP C./ AMENDAH E.R./ COREN C. – Shared-Services Cooperatives: Strengthening Local Economies through Collaboration
- WP19/22 – SPEAR R./ CHAN C. K M – Social Innovation – Scaling Social Impact: a Danish Case Study
- WP19/21 – OLLÉ-ESPLUGA L./ MUCKENHUBER J./ HADLER M. – Job Quality in Economy for the Common Good Firms in Austria and Germany
- WP19/20 – GIAGNOCAVO C./ HERNÁNDEZ CÁCERES D. – Creación de un nuevo bien común para las cooperativas agrícolas: Big data, TIC e intercambio de datos
- WP19/19 – NAGAO MENEZES D. F. – Self-Management Report in Brazil – Technical Concepts and Challenges
- WP19/18 – BEHRENDT G./ PETER S./ STERLY S./ HÄRING A. M. – Community financing in the German organic food sector: a key for sustainable food systems?
- WP19/17 – LAMBRU M./ PETRESCU C. – Social enterprises role in Romanian welfare system
- WP19/16 – DACHEUX É./ GOUJON D. – Vers un nouveau paradigme ancré dans les pratiques d’économie solidaire : le délibéralisme
- WP19/15 – OPINCARU I-S./ CRÂNGAȘU D. – Measuring the Impact of a Social Enterprise – Case Study CONCORDIA Bakery, Romania
- WP19/14 – COSTANTINI A./ PASTORELLI G./ SEBILLO A. – How Social Enterprises Contribute to Alternative Food Systems
- WP19/13 – BASSI A./ FABBRI A. – Workers BuyOut: why employee-owned enterprises are more resilient than corporate business in time of economic and financial crisis? The case of Emilia-Romagna Region
- WP19/12 – PERRIN A. – New Trends in the Social and Solidarity Economy Regarding Agriculture and Food: A Comparison between France and India
- WP19/10 – VIGANÒ F./ SALUSTRI A. – Partnering with Civil Society Organizations. The role of volunteers and not for profit organizations in the provision of welfare services
- WP19/09 – FUJIWARA N. – International City Network and Public-Private Cooperation for Urban Water-Environment Management: A Study of Japanese Public Water Services’ Overseas Expansion
- WP19/08 – DRIGUEZ L. – De l’intérêt de créer un nouveau concept : la lucrativité limitée
- WP19/07 – BOUAZZA A./ NAFIL Y. – Rôle de l’Innovation Sociale dans le Développement Socioéconomique au Maroc : Premières Constatations à partir de la Littérature, et Etude de Cas de 4 Associations Socialement Innovantes
Thursday, 6th June 2019
Opening Session
Chair: Alain Arnaud (EN version), CIRIEC President
- Welcome speech by the Rector of the University of Bucharest Mircea Dumitru
- Ancuta Vamesu, Conference Local Organizing Committee
- Marie J. Bouchard, Conference Scientific Committee , President of the CIRIEC International Scientific Commission on Social and Cooperative Economy, Université du Québec à Montréal, Canada
- Remus Pricopie, Professor, Rector National University of Political Studies and Public Administration
Round Table with representatives of international organizations
“Moving Towards a New Economic System”
Moderator, Marie J. Bouchard
- Andrew Allimadi, United Nations Department of Economic and Social Affairs, UNDESA
- Simel Esim, International Labour Organization (ILO)
- Ilcheong Yi, United Nations Research Institute for Social Development (UNRISD), United Nations Task Force Social and Solidarity Economy (UNTFSSE)
Plenary Session 1
Chair: Bernard Thiry, CIRIEC Director
- José Luis Monzón Campos, Professor, University of Valencia, Spain CIRIEC-España
- Valention Ionesco, ex Secretary of State for Employment responsible with Social Economy
- Adrian Morar, Director General, Central Cooperatist Bank CREDITCOOP
- Raluca Ouriaghli, RISE Romanian Network of Work Integration Social Enterprises
- Gheorghe Chioaru, (OTHER PAPER), President Federation Omenia of Old Age Mutuals / Credit Unions CARP Romania
- Diana Certan, CONCORDIA Humanitarian Organisation, Executive Director Communication and Fundraising
Friday, 7th June 2019
Parallel thematic workshops A
A1 – SE and the Renewal Debate of Economy and Enterprise, chair Nadine Richez Battesti
- Théorie de l’agence et démocratie : analyse critique de l’application déontologique de la démocratie au sein des coopératives, Michel Séguin
- SSE at the risk of the renewal of the debate on enterprise?, Nadine Richez-Battesti, Eric Bidet and Maryline Filippi
- The interest in creating a new legal concept: limited lucrativity, Laetitia Driguez (SLIDES)
- Rethinking the Economy, Karl Birkhölzer and Günther Lorenz (SLIDES)
- Après le paradigme keynésien et le paradigme du libéralisme économique, la place essentielle de l’ESS dans un nouveau paradigme pour le XXIe siècle, Pierre Bauby (SLIDES – PAPER)
A2 – SE and SGDs, chair Marietta Bucheli
- La economía social y solidaria y la implementación de los objetivos de desarrollo sostenible, José Pitacas
- Cooperative principles and gender equality in Portugal – the relevance of gender quotas, Deolinda Meira and Ana Martinho (SLIDES)
- The role of social economy organisations in the European strategy for promoting decent and inclusive employment, Isabel Gemma Fajardo Garcia, Deolinda Meira and Ana Luisa Martinho (SLIDES)
- Sustainable development and collaborative economy: a multiple case study in Brazil, Daniel Menezes
- Encíclica Laudato Si y Objetivos del desarrollo sostenible –ODS- ¿expresiones complementarias o contrarias a los desafíos de la relación sociedad-naturaleza?: estrategias de respuesta desde organizaciones solidarias en Colombia, Marietta Bucheli and Juan-Fernando Alvarez
A3 – SSE and SDGs, chair Konstantina Zoerher
- Towards a typology of transformative social innovation, Konstantina Zoehrer
- Desarrollo turístico estratégico, sustentable y participativo. La Feria Artesanal y Productiva Upianita, Silvia Rueda, Ofelia Josefina Montenegro de Siquot, Zunilde Barrientos, Edgardo Argibay, Luis Moyano and Gabriela Banegas
- El emprendimiento social como motor de desarrollo sostenible: propuesta de un modelo para fortalecer la gestión del impacto social en los grupos de interés, Lina María Murillo Pérez
- Un comparativo entre concepciones y actores de la economia solidaria en Brasil y Colombia, Ednalva Feliz Das neves and Juan Fernando Alvarez (PAPER)
A4 – Worker owned enterprises : governance, chair Ignacio Bretos
- Le travail coopératif : quelle réalisation de l’idéal autogestionnaire?, Marion Maignan and Hajar El Karmouni
- The sub-systems shaping lean production and their application in italian work-integration social enterprises, Silvia Sacchetti and Andrea Signoretti
- Failures in governance of large worker cooperatives. Lessons from the demised Fagor Electrodomésticos, Imanol Basterretxea, Iñaki Heras-Saizarbitoria and Chris Cornforth
- Workers BuyOut: why employee-owned enterprises are more resilient than corporate business in time of economic and financial crisis? The case of Emilia-Romagna Region, Andrea Bassi and Alessandro Fabbri (SLIDES – PAPER)
- Employee participation practices across organizational and institutional divides: The case of worker-owned multinationals, Ignacio Bretos, Anjel Errasti, Carmen Marcuello and Millan Díaz-Foncea (SLIDES)
A5 – Evaluating SSE Innovatively, chair Sonia Bendimerad
- Job quality in economy for the common good firms in Austria and Germany, Laia OlléEspluga, Johanna Muckenhuber and Markus Hadler
- Aider les porteurs de projet à l’autodiagnostic : vers une approche quantitative de l’innovation sociale et de son impact, Sonia Bendimerad and Valerie Billaudeau (SLIDES)
- Moving towards a new economic paradigme: the deliberlism, Daniel Goujon and Eric Dacheux
- Social economy enterprises in Eastern and Southern Europe: a wave of innovation, Gianluca Pastorelli and Anastasia Costantini (SLIDES)
A6 – Cooperatives models facing current socio-economic challenges, chair Claudia Sanchez Bajo
- The role of the organization of consumption for production support in food cooperatives: the case study of Temiz Hasat Consumption Cooperative, Damla Ozekan (SLIDES)
- Moving towards a new cooperative system in the agriculture sector in Romania, Florentin Bercu and Ancut Vamesu
- Are agricultural cooperatives inclusive? A critical review of the arguments and evidence, Jos Bijman and Gea Wijers
- Cooperatives contribution to positive peacebuilding and sustainable development, Claudia Sanchez Bajo
A7 – New technologies and SSE, chair Alexandra Zbuchea
- Designing social inclusion through information technology, Mauro Romanelli and Alexandra Zbuchea
- Creating a new commons for agricultural cooperatives: Big data, ICT and data sharing, Cynthia Giagnocavo and Daniel Hernández-Caceres
- Propuesta de innovación para la toma de decisiones en las cooperativas de ahorro de Ecuador a través de la gamificación, Bernardo Salgado, Javier Herrán and Angel TorresToukoumidis
- Las TIC como instrumento de desarrollo en el cooperativismo oleícola de segundo grado, Adoración Mozas Moral, Enrique Bernal Jurado, Domingo Fernández Uclés and Miguel Jesús Medina Viruel
Plenary Session 2 “SSE and Europe”
Chair: Ionut Sibian, Civil Society Development Foundation, EESC Member Romania
- Daniela Morsalu, Minister of Labor and Social Justice/ Minister of European Affairs Romania
- Patrick Klein, European Commission, DG Internal Market, Industry, Entrepreneurship and SMEs (GROW), Unit „Advanced Technologies, Clusters and Social Economy”, Head of the Social Economy Team
- Alain Coheur, European Economic Social Committee
- Victor Meseguer, Director, Social Economy Europe
Plenary Session 3 “SEE and the World”
Chair: Mihaela Lambru, University of Bucharest
- Ariel Guarco, President, International Cooperative Alliance, ICA
- Carlo Borzaga, Professor, University of Trento, President of EURICSE, Italy
- Marie J.Bouchard, Professor, Université du Québec à Montréal, CIRIEC International, Canada
Parallel thematic workshops B
B1 – SE and governance, chair Carmen Marcuello
- The role of social economy organizations in the era of aging society – The case of Southeast Asian Countries, Katsunori Kaneko
- The dilemma of civil society in the elderly care service market in Japan, Nobuko Kanaya
- Saine gouvernance : Quels avantages pour les coopératives d’habitation?, Marie-Claude Beaudin and Hanen Khemakhem
- Organizational trajectories in growing cooperatives: Insights from a longitudinal process study of the Mondragon eco-system, Ignacio Bretos, Anjel Errasti, Carmen Marcuello and Millán Díaz-Foncea (SLIDES)
B2 – Financing SSE Enterprises, chair Cristina Clamp
- Investment on scalable business models for promoting social economy, María Jesús Gadea Moya, F. Javier Ribal and Ana Blasco-Ruiz (SLIDES + POSTER)
- Mobiliser les ressources bancaires et financières comme des communs : le rôle des acteurs bancaires et financiers de l’économie sociale et solidaire, Nicole Alix and Geneviève Fontaine (SLIDES + PAPER)
- Inclusive finance initiatives by worker-owned labour banks, Akira Kurimoto (SLIDES)
- Strategic delegation in nongovernmental organizations, Marco Marini and Michael Kopel
B3 – Social Innovation in SSE Education, chair Deborah Ralls
- “El ecosistema de la ESS”. una experiencia de innovación educativa a través del design thinking, Raquel Ortiz-Ledesma
- A holistic approach to interaction between social enterprises and universities – from entrepreneurship education to strategic engagement, Andrew Brady and Magdalena Partac (SLIDES)
- Redefining education for a social solidarity urban economy: becoming relational, Deborah Ralls
- Semilleros de investigación como estrategia de enseñanza-aprendizaje para el fortalecimiento de cooperativas y emprendimientos solidarios: una experiencia desde del Instituto Federal do Pará-Campus Santarém, Amazonia, Norte de Brasil, Carmem Lúcia Leal de Andrade
B4 – Social Innovation and SSE in Social Services, chair Jose Carlos Suarez Herrera
- Transformational Leadership for the Development of the Medical Insurance Cooperatives in South Korea: The Blue Cross Medical Insurance Cooperative and its pioneering leader, Jang Gi-Ryo, Kim Eunsik and Han Do-Hyun
- Partnering with Civil Society Organizations. The contribute of volunteers and not for profit organizations in the provision of services of general interests, Federica Vigano’ and Andrea Salustri (SLIDES)
- Network governance and cross-sector collaboration practices in Quebec (Canada): a vector of social innovation, José Carlos Suarez Herrera, Deena White and Jean-Louis Denis
- Social economy – opportunity and challenge for development of social services, Adina Rebeleanu and Florina Demian
B5 – SE Ecosystems, chair Rafael Chaves
- A Comparison Of Cooperative Ecosystems, Gea Wijers (SLIDES – PAPER)
- Social economy entities and its eco-system in different European countries –an comparative analyse based on International research project – RESCuE, Witold Mandrysz and Kazimiera Wódz (SLIDES)
- The solidarity economy in Turkey and its ecosystem: a future still uncertain with the emergence of the plurality of models and the hybridization of resources, Olivier Gajac and Selin Pelek (PAPER)
- Building ecosystems for solidarity economy: Synergies between politically oriented consumerism and mobilizational citizenship In an alternative marketspace in Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil, Ana Margarida Esteves
B6 – Typologies of Social Entities, chair Alberto Zevi
- Social enterprises typologies in Romania, Lambru Mihaela and Claudia Petrescu
- Cartografía del cuarto sector en chile: desarrollando el modelo +i, Paula Miranda and Sybil Caballero
- Cybernetic systemic study of the organizational viability of the second degree cooperatives in Chile, Pedro Narvarte and Camila Saldivar
- Italian non-prevalent mutual cooperatives: a first study, Alberto Zevi
B7 – Social Enterprise in CEE Region, chair Dražen Simleša
- Is the youth’ decision to have their own business, a sensitive approach on gender?, IonelaMituko Vlad
- The socio-economic impact of the social enterprise CONCORDIA Bakery, Romania, Irina Sinziana Opincaru and Doina Crangasu (SLIDES – PAPER)
- The road towards social circular economy in Romania, Monica Alina Danciu, Alina Oana Ciomos, Simina Elena Lakatos, Matthew Greenley and Laura Bacali
- Social entrepreneurship in Romania opportunities and a research agenda, Sorin Blaga, David Cunneen and Philip Rosenberger III (SLIDES)
- Educating work integration social enterprises (WISEs) in Croatia, Drazen Simlesa
Parallel thematic workshops C
C1 – SSE Impact Indicators and Strategies, chair Ilcheong Yi
- Sustainable development performance indicators for social and solidarity economy – state of the art, Gabriel Salathé-Beaulieu, Marie J. Bouchard and Marguerite Mendell (SLIDES+ PAPER)
- Defining « social economy impact » in a danish EU-context, Gurli Jakobsen and Anker Brink Lund
- Introducing cooperative capital as input and output of cooperatives, Gerhard Kosinowski
- Social innovation scaling and replication a danish case study, Roger Spear
C2 – SSE and Food Sustainability, chair Claudia Petrescu
- Co-operatives and sustainability: case study of the greener dairy farms programme in Carbery Group, Ireland, Sinead Treanor and Noreen Byrne
- Community financing in the German organic food sector: a key for sustainable food systems?, Gerlinde Behrendt, Sarah Peter, Simone Sterly and Anna Maria Häring (SLIDES)
- New trends in the social and solidarity economy regarding agriculture and food: a comparison between France and India, Antoine Perrin (SLIDES – PAPER)
- How social enterprises contribute to alternative food systems, Anastasia Costantini, Gianluca Pastorelli and Alessia Sebillo (SLIDES)
C3 – SE and Public Policies, chair Rafael Chaves
- La economía popular y solidaria en ecuador: políticas públicas y prácticas económicas no monetarias y sostenibles en los emprendimientos asociativos, Arturo Luque González, Aitor Bengoetxea Alkorta and Jaime Leónidas Ordoñez Salcedo (SLIDES)
- La Red Eusumo: instrumento público al servicio los ODS en Galicia, María Bastida Domínguez and Ana Olveira Blanco (PAPER)
- A new generation of public policies fostering social economy in Europe. The case of Spain, Rafael Chaves-Avila (SLIDES)
- Impacto social y económico del tercer sector en españa. Evaluación del programa de subvenciones, Teresa Savall Morera, Sergio Moises Afcha Chavez, Marta Roig Casanova and Francisco Higón Tamarit
C4 – SE common goods, local economy and poverty, chair Dorothea Greiling
- International city network and public public-private cooperation for urban water-environment management: a study of japanese public water services’ overseas expansion, Naoki Fujiwara (SLIDES – PAPER)
- Urban poverty in Europe – poverty reduction policies and measures, Melanie Schinnerl and Dorothea Greiling
- Commodity towards common good. The users and NGO’s involvement in water utilities in European Union (study cases in France, Italy, Romania), Emmanuelle Hellier
- Shared-services cooperatives: strengthening local economies through collaboration, Christina Clamp, Eklou Amendah and Carol Coren
C5 – Institutions, Society Change and Commons, chair Nicole Alix
- Redistribution des cadres institutionnels de gouvernance des communs. Le modèle économique solidaires de propriété foncière d’un réseau-foncier-citoyen en France, Pascal Lombard (PAPER)
- Mountain rural commons in Italy: a participation dilemma in a changing society, Cristina Dalla Torre, Andrea Membretti and Andrea Omizzolo (SLIDES)
- Competition, information and cooperation, Gianna Lotito, Matteo Migheli and Guido Ortona
- SEE organizations and commons, Philippe Bance
C6 – Workers owned enterprises : policies and laws, chair Gemma Fajardo
- La empresa de todos: el caso de ecuador a través de sus políticas y prácticas sociales sostenibles, Arturo Luque González and Jaime Leonidas Ordoñez
- Las Cooperativas de Trabajo Asociado ante una nueva encrucijada: el futuro del empleo y el trabajo decente, Manuel Garcia-Jimenez and Federic Lopez I Mora (SLIDES + PAPER)
- Self-management report in Brazil, Daniel Menezes
- Social economy eco-systems for worker’s welfare: visibility, policies and networks, Akira Kurimoto (SLIDES)
- Participación Institucional En La Experiencia Cooperativa De Mondragon. Diagnóstico, Retos Y Estrategias, Leire Uriarte Zabala, Mirene Zufiaurre Astigarraga and Oier Imaz Alias
- Falsas cooperativas de trabajadores y medidas adoptadas por los poderes públicos en España para combatirlas, Isabel-Gemma Fajardo-García (SLIDES – PAPER)
C7 – Financial Performance and Organizational Issues in SSE Enterprises, chair Kazuhiko Mikami
- Cooperativas de ahorro y crédito en Ecuador: el desafío de ser cooperativas, Jacqueline Penaherrera Melo and Arturo Luque Gonzalez (SLIDES)
- The signaling effect of ambidexterity of social enterprises on acquiring financial resources in South Korea, Chang Gue Lim, Sang-Youn Lee and Gil Soon Yoon
- On the emergence of non-profit orchestras, Kazuhiko Mikami
- Diversificación financiera y preferencias financieras de los gestores en las organizaciones nonprofit españolas. Financial diversification and manager’s financial preferences in Spanish nonprofit organizations, Francisco J. López-Arceiz, Ana Bellostas and Pilar Rivera
- The capital structure of cooperative firms. An international comparative study, Flavio Bazzana, Ivana Catturani and Chiara Carini
Saturday, 8th June 2018
Parallel thematic workshops D
D1 – Theory of Commons and Ethics, chair Andrea Salustri
- Hacia el derecho a una vida digna en los proyectos de vivienda sociales, Marina Esthela Pazmiño Pazmiño (SLIDES)
- Le role de la dynamique institutionnelle de l’economie sociale et solidaire dans l’empowerment communautaire : cas des cooperatives feminines de la region Souss Massa-Maroc, Sanae Rhabra
- Reflexiones sobre el trabajo en la filosofía de los commons, Daniel Menezes
- Commons: discerning its theory to support SSE, Alexandre Guttmann
D2 – SSE and local sustainable development, chair Jos Bijman
- The contribution to sustainability of the Agricultural Transformation Societies in the Canary Islands, Beatriz Guzmán Pérez, Cándido Román Cervantes, María Victoria Pérez Monteverde Javier Mendoza Jiménez
- Community agency, needs mapping and solidarity economics in resource depleted communities, Charles Fonchingong Che (SLIDES + PAPER)
- The role of the social and solidarity economy on sustainable development, Manuel Belo Moreira
- Social economy as factor of social development in rural areas, Simona Maria Stanescu
- Solidarity economy and a case study from Turkey: boğatepe village, çiğdem Boz
D3 – Evaluating SSE Innovatively, chair Ana Luisa Martinho
- Horticultural social cooperatives and acknowledgment of mechanical development: patterns and qualities for improving their productivity, Georgios Alexopoulos (SLIDES – PAPER)
- Social economy enterprise type honeycomb network, the motor of economic growth in local romanians communities, Florina-Valentina Nicolae (SLIDES)
- An essay on the economic-financial performance of cooperative societies under the market, members and regional development dimensions, Paola Richter Londero, Anelise, Krauspenhar Pinto Figari, Fabiana Cherubim Bortoleto and Luana Zanetti Trindade
- Possibilities and limitations of social and solidarity economy in the post-disaster affected areas of Tohoku, Japan, Fumihiko Saito
- Gender neutral testing as an important tool for social economy organisations, Ana Luisa Martinho, Ana Cláudia Rodrigues, Ana Isabel Couto and Manuel Salvador (SLIDES)
D4 – Technology, digitalisation and the SEs, chair Alexandra Zbuchea
- Las TIC como instrumento de desarrollo en el cooperativismo oleícola de segundo grado, Adoración Mozas Moral, Enrique Bernal Jurado, Domingo Fernández Uclés and Miguel Jesús Medina Viruel
- The influence of digital transformation and approach on the social economy and solidarity, Marian-Sorin Ionescu (SLIDES)
- Technological changes and the importance of strengthening the entrepreneurial ecosystem for the social and solidarity economy (SSE), Leandro Morais and Miguel Bacic (SLIDES)
- Platform cooperativism in Italy and in Europe, Francesca Martinelli, Samuele Bozzoni, Simone Caroli, Francesca Tamascelli and Giuseppe Guerini
D5 – Workers owned entreprises : governance, Chair Angel Errasti
- L’expérience de MCE Conseils au service de la conversion d’entreprises privées en coopératives de travail: les facteurs clé de succès, Claude Dorion
- The economic preferences of cooperative managers, Guillermo Alves, Pablo Blanchard, Gabriel Burdin, Mariana Chavez and Andres Dean
- Clustering and Clusters of Worker Cooperatives: Evidence from France, Thibault Mirabel
- Job creation in Cooperatives and social enterprises, Stavroula Demetriades
- The challenge of cooperative multinationalisation, Anjel Errasti, Ignacio Bretos, Carmen Marcuello and Jean Phillipe Poulnot
D6 – Efficiency and Capital Structure of Co-operatives, chair Carmem Lúcia Leal de Andrade
- A review of the efficiency analysis in the agricultural cooperative sector, Fernando Vidal, Jesús T. Pastor and Juan Aparicio
- Do solidarity credit unions have the same efficiency as those market-based? An efficiency analysis of Brazilian credit unions, Vilmar Rodrigues Moreira, Rafael Luiz Junges and Tomas Sparano Martins (SLIDES)
D7 – Financing Issues and Perspectives in SSE Enterprises, chair Paul Jones
- Obligations à impact social: une nouvelle voie pour le financement des entreprises de l’économie sociale et solidaire?, Margaux Morteo
- Acceso a la financiación de proyectos de emprendimiento social a través de plataformas en red y su relación con los Objetivos de Desarrollo Sostenible, Paloma Bel Durán, Gustavo Lejarriaga Pérez de Las Vacas, Sonia Martín López and Javier Sánchez Espada (SLIDES + PAPER)
Parallel thematic workshops E
E1 – Social enterprise in CEE Region, chair Adina Rebeleanu
- Social economy in croatia: disruption and diversity after transition, Sonja Novković and Dražen šimleša
- Promoting social economy in emergent EU countries: Potential of the social economy in Slovakia, Lenka Pčolinská (SLIDES)
- Social enterprises role in Romanian welfare system, Claudia Petrescu and Mihaela Lambru (PAPER)
- Solidarity economy and the commons: implications for Central and Eastern Europe, Agnes Gagyi
E2 – Statistics of SSE, chair Miguel Ángel Alarcón Conde
- Social Economy sports organizations in the autonomous region of Valencia, Antonio González-Rojas
- Factores críticos para la medición del impacto económico y social de las cooperativas en Colombia, Nestor Rodríguez, Martha Godoy and Fredys Simancas (PAPER)
- Dimensiones y mapeo de las organizaciones del sector de la Economía Social en el Conurbano Santiago del Estero- Banda. República Argentina, Ofelia Josefina Montenegro de Siquot, Silvia Mercedes Rueda de García, Osvaldo Peiretti, Edgardo Argibay, Luis Moyano, Lidia Acuña, Gabriela Banegas, Jorge Daniel Durando and Graciela Figueroa
- The measurement of the social and economic value of the social economy from a modern institutional economics approach, Miguel Ángel Alarcón Conde (SLIDES)
E3 – Worker owned enterprises : Challenges, chair Elena Melia
- Current challenges and future potentials of social economy in Croatia, Zdenko Babić and Danijel Baturina (SLIDES)
- CSR in social economy enterprises: valuation of the owner-partners on the actions of their company, Candido Roman-Cervantes and Olga Gonzalez-Morales
- Calidad del empleo creado en las cooperativas y sociedades laborales españolas durante la recuperación económica 2013-2016, Rosa Belén Castro Núñez and Rosa Santero
- Employee-owned enterprises in technological sector: influence of their social and participatory profile in their performance, Elena Meliá-Martí, Jordi Capó-Vicedo and Juan F. Juliá-Igual (PAPER)
- A cooperative theory of the firm applied to marketing consulting cooperative, Tomas Sparano Martins and Vilmar Rodrigues Moreira
E4 – Enterprises, corporate frameworks and commons, chair Philippe Bance
- Coopérative et commun : la participation des sociétaires dans une ScIc fournisseur d’énergie renouvelable, Isabelle Dedun, Alexandrine Lapoutte and Mathilde Sihr
- Romanian Mountain Commons Project, Irina Sinziana Opincaru, Monica Vasile, George Iordachescu and Stefan Voicu (SLIDES)
- La grande entreprise dans le translocalisme des communs : le cas de la Coopérative agricole Carrefour Vărăşti, Herve Defalvard and Gheorghe Teodor Ciascai
- Approaches to urban commons: reflections to conceptualize integrated solid waste management with social inclusion, Luisa Tovar (SLIDES)
- Partenariat ESS-Public pour la justice alimentaire : une étude de cas, Alexandrine Lapoutte and Georges Alakpa
E5 – Role of SSE organizations for the future of rural livelihoods, chair Manuel Belo Moreira
- Perfil del talento emprendedor de Mapuches (Kūzawchefe) en Chile (Wallmapu), Ismael Romero Mancheño and Paula Miranda Sanchez
- La economía social y solidaria (ESS) en nuestra región (México, Centroamérica y El Caribe), Roberto Cañedo and María Del Carmen Barragán (SLIDES + PAPER)
- A case study about the development of social economy at Japanese rural areas under depopulation, Kazuhiko Tabata
- Is the social economy a room for the empowerment of women?, Rosa Montalban
E6 – Social Responsibility in SSE Enterprises, chair Noreen Byrne
- Are European cooperative banks more responsible? Ouafa Ouyahia
- Can co-operative banking improve South Africans’ societal and financial well-being?, Master Mushonga, Thankom G Arun and Nyankomo Marwa
- Corporate social responsibility in banking industry: What place for extra-financial ratings?, Rayene Djellab and Nicolas Huchet
- Proving the credit union difference, Paul Anthony Jones
E7 – SSE Creating Jobs and Wealth innovatively, chair Mark Kaswan
- Socio-economic contributions of migrants’ enterprises in Rome (SECMER). The case of Peruvian and Ecuadorian entrepreneurs, Cristiano Colombi, Flavio Mancini, Olha Kostyuk, Olha Zhyvytsya and Alessia Armini
- Worker cooperative development in the U.S.: top-down vs. bottom-up approaches, Mark Kaswan (SLIDES + PAPER)
- Hosting Refugees in Mountain Areas as a new Form of Social Innovation, Manfred Perlik
- Rôle de l’innovation sociale dans le développement socioéconomique au maroc : premières constatations à partir de la littérature, et etude de cas de 4 associations socialement innovantes, Abdellatif Bouazza and Youssef Nafil (SLIDES)
Plenary Session 4 “The future of SSE”
Chair: L. Beaulieu, CIRIEC Honorary President
- Patrick Develtere, Principal Adviser for European Social Policy at the European Political Strategy Centre (EPSC)
- Rafael Chaves, Professor, University of Valencia and CIRIEC España
- Mihaela Lambru, Professor, University of Bucharest, Faculty of Sociology and Social Work
Closing Session
Co-Chairs: Alain Arnaud, CIRIEC President & Alexandra Zbuchea, ViceDean Faculty of
Management, National School of Political & Administrative Science
Marie J. Bouchard & Cristina Barna (7th Conference Committtee)
Opening session
Plenary session 1
Round table
Opening Cocktail
Plenary session 2
Plenary session 3
Plenary session 4
Closing session
Local Organizers
- Laboratorul de Solidaritate
Laboratorul de Solidaritate (Solidarity Laboratory) is an association by Romanian law founded in 2013 with the mission of promoting social economy and cooperative development in Romania (contacts: Ancuta VAMESU, Cristina BARNA) - University of Bucharest – Faculty of Sociology
- National School of Political and Administrative Studies
- The Civil Society Development Foundation