34th CIRIEC International Congress
San Jose (Costa Rica)
16-18 October 2024
“What strategies for a territorial and human development? “
Wednesday 16 October 2024
“The SDGs, Post 2030 development agenda & the SSE” / Dr. Ilcheong Yi, Senior Research Coordinator, United Nations Research Institute for Social Development (UNRISD); UN Inter-Agency Task Force on Social and Solidarity Economy (UNTFSSE)
PLENARY SESSION 1 | “Human development in relation to employment, health, education and rights”
- Pascal Michard, President of Aéma Group (France)
- Prescription for declining population society – Proposals from Japan that is under the very low birthrate and supper aged by Dr. Kazuhiko Tabata, Vice President for Research Development and Community Relations, University of Hyogo, Vice President of CIRIEC International and CIRIEC-Japan
- The role of the SSE in the creation of decent and quality jobs by Mr. Mario Durán Fernández, MSc, Director, Directorate of Social Solidarity Economy (MTSS), Government of Costa Rica (Costa Rica)
- Strategies for Promoting Territorial and Human Development by
Ramón Antonio Díaz, Vice-President of COOPMAIMÓN (Dominican Republic)
PLENARY SESSION 2 | “Territorial development in urban and rural areas”
- Austria – Urban and Rural Challenges – „Urban and Rural – A complex neighborhood in Austria by Dr. Johannes Schmid, Deputy Secretary General of the Austrian Association of Cities and Towns (Austria)
- Program for the reinforcement of Technical Education and Professional Training by Ing. Rodolfo Navas, Vice President of CIRIEC-Costa Rica, Representation of CENECOOP (Costa Rica)
- Mario Hector Arreola, Chorotega Cooperative (Honduras)
- Alchemies of development from the Latin American social and solidarity economy by Prof. Dr. Juan Fernando Álvarez, President of the Scientific Committee of CIRIEC-Colombia; Pontificia Universidad Javeriana de Bogotá (Colombia)
PLENARY SESSION 3 | “Infrastructure & utility networks”
- Development of Infrastructure in Latin America by SOEs by Prof. Dr. Francisco Castañeda, School of Economics, Government and Communications, Universidad Central de Chile (UCEN), Santiago (Chile)
- The infrastructure & development (présentation PPT) by Ing. José Pablo Puzino, Vice-President of CIRIEC International, President of IAIES – CIRIEC-Argentina
- Gerardo Araya, Deputy General Manager, Coopeguanacaste (Costa Rica)
- Emerson Ovares Villalobos, Coordinator – Head of Bachelor’s and Bachelor’s Degree in Business Management, UNED (Costa Rica)
Thursday 17 October 2024
- Adam Smith, the ESS and the SDGs: A Surprising and Inspiring Contribution by Prof. Thierry Pauchant, Professor and Holder of the Chair in Ethical Management, HEC Montreal (Canada) (French version)
- Presentation of the CIRIEC-EURICSE Report on the production of statistics on the Social Economy in Europe by Prof. Dr. Rafael Chaves Avila, President of the Scientific Commission of CIRIEC-España, Universidad de Valencia (Spain)
ROUNDTABLE 1: “The SDGs and the environmental emergency: concrete initiatives and impact measurement”
- Corporate Territorial Responsibility, the SSE’s revolution of territories by Prof. Dr. Maryline Filippi, Professor of Economics (Bordeaux Sciences Agro) and Associate researcher at the National Research Institute for Agriculture, Food and the Environment, (INRAE, Paris-Saclay University) (France)
- Social and environmental impact businesses by Dr. Daniel Francisco Nagao Menezes, Professor at FACAMP (Faculdades de Campinas), CIRIEC-Brazil
- Maricela Hernández Ruiz, Executive Director of the Institute for Municipal Development and Advisory Services (IFAM) (Costa Rica)
- Impact measurement of SSE contributions to the SDGs of Community-based renewable energy projects by Prof. Dr. Carmen Marcuello, President of OIBESCOOP, Zaragoza University (Spain)
ROUNDTABLE 2: “Public policies for territorial development and SSE”
- Overview of the SSE in Costa Rica: Public Policies for Territorial Development and the SSE by Ms. Jessica Brenes Jiménez, Executive Director of the National Chamber of the Social Solidarity Economy (Costa Rica)
- Alejandra Chacón, UNED (Costa Rica)
- Public policies for territorial development and the SSE: From paper to practice in the field by Mr. Federico Li Bonilla, Executive Director of CIRIEC-Costa Rica, UNED (Costa Rica)
ROUNDTABLE 3: “Sustainable cities”
- Sustainable Mobility in Austria’s Transport Authorities: Success Stories and Innovations from All Regions by Ms. Lisa-Marie Stauffer, MSc, PhD candidate, Chief Communications Officer (CCO), Austrian mobility association (Mobilitätsverbünde Österreich) (Austria)
- Financing urban revitalization through the social economy: creating equity for equitable development – The role of the Caisse d’économie solidaire by Mr. Didier Fleury, Principal Advisor, Caisse d’économie solidaire Desjardins, Quebec (Canada) & Ms. Élizabeth Duboc, MSc, Coordinator of CIRIEC-Canada
- Liberalization of the Energy Market in Japan: Regional Characteristics of Renewable Energy and the Impact of Urban Gas Deregulation by Ass. Prof. Shinichi Hanada, Head of the Public Economy Research Group, Hirosaki University (Japan)
- Vienna, being a sustainable and liveable metropolis through modern innovations by Fabian Gerner, BA MA, Office for Services of General Interest – City of Vienna (Austria)
- Paola Vega Castillo, Former Minister of Science, Innovation, Technology and Telecommunications, Tecnológico de Costa Rica (TEC) (Costa Rica)
ROUNDTABLE 4: “Governance, CSR & political democratization”
- Building the internal solidarity market from the local level by Roberto Cañedo Villarreal, Universidad Autonoma de Guerrero, President, CIRIEC-Mexico
- The cooperative model as a strategic tool for territorial and human development by Mr. Yvan Rouillé, Deputy Director General, Caisses des policiers Desjardins, Quebec (Canada)
- Cooperatives’ Contributions to Mitigating the World Water Crisis by Mr. Sergio Navas Alvarado, Rector FUNDEPOS (Costa Rica)
- Dalia Borge Marín, Coordinator of the Andalusian School of Social Economy, for Latin America and the Caribbean (Costa Rica)
ROUNDTABLE 5: “Scientific and technological innovation”
- From science to a better life: How to create a promising ecosystem to promote innovation by Mr. Pascal Lizin, President of the Hnr. Council of the Belgian Sovereign Wealth Fund, Advisor to several public and private companies (Belgium)
- Scientific and technological innovation: Remote laboratories by Dr. Carlos Arguedas Matarrita, Coordinator of the Remote Experimentation Laboratory, UNED (Costa Rica)
- Integrated Plant Production. Exploring the Benefits of Certification – insights from Polish Certificate Holders by Prof. Dr. Jakub Piecuch, Head of the Department of Economics and Food Economy, University of Agriculture in Krakow (Poland)
- Parametric Risk and Insurance: organizational social capital as a driver for enhancing community resilience to climate change by Oscar Sanabria Garro, MBA MS, UNED (Costa Rica)
ROUNDTABLE 6: “The role of women in the socioeconomic development and sustainability”
- Marina Peña Cerdas, Activist in sustainable local development
- Edmundo Avellán Villegas, Head of the Municipal Management and Strengthening Department, Institute for Municipal Development and Advisory Services (IFAM) (Costa Rica)
- Amelia Carvajal Murillo, President of the Regional Cooperative Youth Council (CRJC CCC-CA), Director of the Regional CRJ Cooperative Youth Committee of the Americas ICA, Representative of the National Cooperative Youth Network JCOOP
- Maritza Hernández Castañeda, President of the Costa Rican Union of Chambers and Associations of the Private Entrepreneurial Sector (UCCAEP) (Costa Rica)
- Application of the Delphi Method for the collection of information on female and male entrepreneurs in the territory of Santa Cruz by Ms. Lúcida Guevara Gómez, Head of the University Office of Santa Cruz, UNED (Costa Rica)
Friday 18 October 2024
PLENARY SESSION 4 | “Public initiatives and action for sustainable development”
- The State’s public initiative and action regarding sustainable development by Mr. Frédéric Tiberghien, Honorary State Counsellor (France)
- Public Initiatives and Actions for Sustainable Development – The Case of the European Union by Prof. Dr. Adoración Mozas Moral, Vice-President of CIRIEC International, President of CIRIEC-España (Spain)
- Public initiatives and actions for sustainable development: A view from cooperativism and social economy by Dr. Luis Guillermo Coto, Executive Director, Confederation of Cooperatives of the Caribbean, Central and South America (CCC-CA)
- Linking Territorial UNED – Towards a systemic contribution in the (re)construction(s) of community(ies) by Mr. Javier Ureña, Vicerrector of the Universidad Estatal a Distancia (Costa Rica)
- Alongside the main Congress program, a call for scientific papers is launched, aimed exclusively at the academic and scientific community.
- 16 October
- 17 October
- Call for papers FR – EN – ES
Co-organized event by: