« C’est en 1953, à Genève, lors de son 1er congrès sur l’économie collective que le CIRIEC a acquis sa reconnaissance internationale, congrès organisé fort opportunément la veille d’une assemblée générale de l’Organisation Internationale du Travail » A. Arnaud (Brèves, CIRIEC-France, juillet-août 2019)

  • General partnerships

A Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) was signed in summer 2019 to revive the permanent collaboration between the International Labour Organisation (ILO) and CIRIEC.  The MoU thus pursues the cooperation developed at the beginning of the 20th century between Edgard Milhaud and Albert Thomas or Edward Phelan, both founders and leaders of the ILO.

The purpose is a more active collaboration on Social and Solidarity Economy (SSE) and the Sustainable Development Goals to better face the major challenges of today and tomorrow at political, economic and social level.

CIRIEC and the ILO mutually commit to further developing their partnerships by means of coordination, mutual assistance and co-organisation of projects and events, as well as sharing research results and communicating scientific findings.

The ILO, founded in 1919 as part of the League of Nations, is currently a UN agency with 187 member states and whose vocation is to promote social justice, human rights and internationally recognized labour rights, pursuing its founding mission: striving for social justice, which is essential for a lasting and universal peace.

As a tripartite institution, the ILO brings together governments, employers and workers for joint action to promote rights at work, encourage the creation of decent jobs, develop social protection and strengthen social dialogue in the field of labour.

The ILO is developing its work on poverty reduction, fair globalization, decent work and sustainable development, issues that CIRIEC fully shares.

  • ILO Academy on ESS

In 2010, the ILO International Training Centre (ITC) launched the first Interregional Academy on Social and Solidarity Economy, which was a decisive step towards building a global consensus on the key characteristics and universal principles of the SSE and its organizations and enterprises. This first edition of the Academy was organized in partnership with the European Economic and Social Committee (EESC) and in collaboration with CIRIEC.

More than experiencing training, they enjoyed the opportunity to network and exchange their experiences and ideas. The ILO and its partners are committed to promoting the SSE through many activities, from the local to the regional level.

Since 2010, several editions of the Academy were held and each meeting is the source of a new guide. All documents of all Academy are available:



Basic Reader
Basic Reader on SSE and South-South Cooperation EN ES – PT Reader 2010
Reader 2011
Reader 2013
Reader 2014

Reader 2019


  • The SSE Collective Brain

The Collective Brain of the SSE Academy is a virtual interactive space aiming to enrich the Social and Solidarity Economy Academy. Its purpose is to allow that participants and former participants keep involved, exchange and deepen knowledge. This is a virtual multilingual space which tries to reproduce and enhance, all year long, the presential dynamics of the academy.
More info: 

  • Permanent Observer of the ILO (within the framework of civil society NGOs)

CIRIEC is included in the Special List of International Non-Governmental Organisations of the ILO, which share the principles and objectives of the ILO (–en/index.htm).

The ILO Special List was set up in 1956 to establish working relations with NGIOs other than employers’ and workers’ organizations, which also share the principles and objectives of the ILO Constitution and Declaration of Philadelphia.

Further, CIRIEC and ILO exchange their respective reviews:

  • the Annals of CIRIEC on the one hand,
  • the International Labour Review, the Official Bulletin of the ILO and the Reports of the Director-General on International Labour Conferences on the other.