Scientific bodies consist of several bodies.
The International Scientific Council is chaired by Professor Dorothea GREILING (Johannes Kepler University- Linz, Austria) and consists of delegates of the national sections of CIRIEC.
It directs the activity of two International Scientific Commissions:
- one devoted to public services and public enterprises and chaired by Professor Eoin REEVES (University of Limerick, Ireland),
- the other one devoted to social and cooperative economy and chaired by Professor Carmen MARCUELLO (University of Zaragoza, Spain).
These Commissions and their working groups as a whole form an international network of more than a hundred academics and experts, involved in many research activities.
All these commissions and their working groups is an international network of over one hundred scientific experts involved in many research activities.
Composition of the International Scientific Council: here
CIRIEC leads an international scientific network of some 150 experts active in public, social and cooperative economy.
Their mission is to pursue the actual scientific work according to a research outline and to lead an analytical reflection on selected themes. The Commissions also have a watchdog function giving a critical review of current developments. They also organize seminars and publish their research results.
Scientific Council
The network is coordinated by the International Scientific Council chaired by Prof. Dorothea GREILING (Johannes Kepler University- Linz, Austria).
The International Scientific Council (ISC) is made up of scientific delegates from the national sections of CIRIEC and thus constitutes a body that is representative of the same.
The Scientific Council bears general responsibility for strategy and coordination as regards research. It also stands guarantee for the permanence of exchanges between scientific circles and the practitioners and managers within CIRIEC.
Functioning of the scientific network – activities – results
The members of CIRIEC’s scientific network are nominated by CIRIEC’s bodies. The internal scientific work is done entirely on a voluntary basis and discussions are mainly conducted in English, but also in French and German.
The structure of CIRIEC’s scientific network is presented here.