by Andrea ZATTI (ed.)
Published in the new series: CIRIEC STUDIES SERIES – 2
CIRIEC aisbl
ISSN 2795-8825 (epdf)
ISBN 978-2-931051-54-2 (epdf) – December 2021 – 144 pages
EAN 9782931051542
This book is the fruit of a working group of the CIRIEC International Scientific Commission “Public Services / Public Enterprises” “Accountability, anti-corruption and transparency policies in publicly-owned enterprises (POEs)” led by Professor Andrea ZATTI (University of Pavie, Italy).
The present e-book features a first batch of country studies from Albania, Austria, Italy, the Republic of North Macedonia, Portugal and Spain. These studies might be updated and completed by others during 2022.
The book and chapters are free downloadable below and also indexed in RePEc.
Full book HERE
Presentation HERE
- General concepts and main contents of the study / Introduction by Andrea Zatti
- Public-Owned Enterprises (POEs): definition, evolution, and evaluation / Context by Andrea Zatti
- The case of Italy by Andrea Zatti
- Accountability and transparency policies in Spanish Public-Owned Enterprises / Spain by María del Carmen Sánchez Carreira
- Portuguese Public-Owned Enterprises: between the fight against corruption and the search for a modern role / Portugal by Paulo Reis Mourão & Cilina Vilela
- Accountability and transparency policies in Austrian Public-Owned Enterprises / Austria by Birgit Grüb & Dorothea Greiling
- Key Performance Indicators of Public-Owned Enterprises in North Macedonia by Merita Zulfiu Alili
- Accountability, anti-corruption and transparency policies in Public-Owned Enterprises in Albania by Nevila Mehmetaj