The Economy of the Collective Interest: 75 years of scientific research / B. Thiry & P. Bance (eds) – 2022

The Economy of the Collective Interest: 75 years of scientific research

Bernard THIRY
Philippe BANCE (eds)


Published in the new series: : CIRIEC STUDIES SERIES – 5

CIRIEC aisbl
ISSN 2795-8825 (epdf)
ISBN 978-2-931051-58-0 (epdf), June 2022 – 407 pages
EAN 9782931051580

Full book HERE
Presentation HERE


Tables of content:

I. The Economy of the Collective Interest: 75 years of scientific research / Bernard Thiry

II. What CIRIEC’s history teaches us. Societal anchoring, operating mode and pluralist perspectives of scientific research / Philippe Bance

III. Selection of articles