SECOIA : pratiques spécifiques des entreprises d’économie sociale et analyse des impacts générés / Université de Liège, Centre d’économie sociale, Centre de recherche Spirale, SAW-B (Solidarité des Alternatives Wallonnes et Bruxelloises), CIRIEC Belgique

Report realised, for the Walloon Minister for the Social Economy, called SECOIA (Social ECOnomy Impact Assessment), where the management practices by social economy enterprises were evaluated according a model grid.

The study was led by the University of Liège and 2 of its research centers, Social Economy Center & Spiral Research Center, SAW-B (Solidarité des Alternatives Wallonnes et Bruxelloises) and CIRIEC Belgium. After meeting a hundred ecosystem actors in Belgium, an interim report is now available.

International analyses were also achieved with the help of CIRIEC-Canada, CIRIEC-Spain and CIRIEC-experts from Italia, Romania and Sweden. Thoses analyses will be integrated in the final report.


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