32nd CIRIEC International Congress
Liège, Belgium
30 May – 1st June 2018
« The Public, Social and Cooperative Economy in the Digital Revolution »
The digital transformation at work in recent years offers new means of communication and exchange and has radically changed the forms of ownership, production, distribution and consumption. It challenges the working conditions, raises new issues and opportunities on taxation, offers extraordinary increases in productivity, opens new horizons for citizen action,… The public, social and cooperative economy is in many ways an actor in this revolution. The theme of the next CIRIEC congress will approach this theme, examining the analyses and discussions of scientific experts and political, economic and social leaders from all over the world.
A topical thematic approach:
- The digital revolution in the service of democracy and the citizen
- Collaborative economy and cooperative platforms
- Public policy and the issues of the digital revolution
- Impact on social relations
- Public infrastructure and digital transformation
- Social economy and digital development
- The health sector in the digital revolution
- The water, gas and electricity sectors and the new benefits of going digital
- Digital innovation and enterprise development
Speakers presentations are available on the event website: here
Final declaration of Alain Arnaud: FR – EN – DE – ES
Photos of the event: here
Posters and Papers presented during the Congress:
- El sitio web como factor de competitividad en la economía social. Análisis en el sector del aceite de oliva ecológico / Adoración Mozas Moral; Enrique Bernal Jurado; Miguel Jesús Medina Viruel y Domingo Fernández Uclés
- Challenges and limitations in the use of ICTs by women entrepreneurs from rural communities / Ana Laura Bojórquez Carrillo ; Tirso Suárez-Nuñez ; Anel Flores Novelo
- Social innovation in multinational co-ops: Towards a more balanced governance / Ignacio Bretos ; Anjel Errasti ; Carmen Marcuello ; Millán Díaz-Foncea
- Cooperatives in the digital era: Labour relations, power and politics within multinational worker cooperatives / Ignacio Bretos ; Anjel Errasti ; Carmen Marcuello
- Impacts of Technological Innovation and Social Technology in Solidarity Economy / Daniel Francisco Nagao Menezes
- El trabajo inclusivo innovador en la economía popular y solidaria ecuatoriana. Caso de Estudio Zona 6. / Gabriela Amoroso Castro, María Elena Calle Callea, Mónica Rosales Namicela (english version)
- The public and cooperative social economy in the digital revolution / Juan Carlos Vera (spanish version)
- Economía social y solidaria (ESS) y el nuevo contexto digital: el papel de las tecnologías sociales en el siglo XXI / Leandro Pereira Morais ; Miguel Juan Bacic
- Capital Platforms versus Social Platforms in the Collaborative Economy: International Legal Point of View / Dr. Maria Font-Mas
- E-government systems and applications in developed and developing countries / Nisa Nur Şen, Müge Durmaz, Aleyna Ertal
- Mutualism and cooperativism to combat precarity in the digitalised world of work / Sarah de Heusch ; SMart
- A proposal for digital inclusion in Argentina / Veronica Haddad ; Natalia Stein
- Co-op Open Membership: Economic and Financial Effects / Cabaleiro-Casal, María José; Iglesias-Malvido, Carlos; Martínez-Fontaíña, Rocío