The Weight, Size and Reach of the Social Economy – International perspectives for the production of statistics for the social economy

“The Weight and Size of the Social Economy – International Perspectives for the Production of Statistics for the Social Economy” coordinated by Prof. Marie J. Bouchard (University of Quebec, Montréal, Canada, ( and Damien Rousselière (Agrocampus Ouest, France, ( The work carried out by the Commission for several years is pursued on the interpretation of statistics in connection with measurement of the social economy. The precise objective of the current discussion started in June 2012 in this working group is the completion of a work intended for specialists and political decision-makers.

The theme of the book is “The Weight, Size and Reach of the Social Economy – International perspectives for the production of statistics for the social economy”. It contains twenty chapters ordered to experts (technicians (statisticians) and researchers) that review current knowledge and ponder the significance of interpretation of statistics on the social economy. The work presents discussions in the matter, compares the contributions and limits of various approaches, draws lessons from various methodologies for the production of these statistics and determines the direction of future research and makes recommendations to bring to the attention of the political decision-makers.

The book was published in 2015 in the Peter Lang edition. It can be ordered from the publisher’s site Peter Lang, The Weight of the Social Economy: An International Perspective / Edited By CIRIEC, Marie J. Bouchard and Damien Rousselière (2015)

Book review available HERE

Five contributions (chapters of this book) have also been published as CIRIEC Working Papers:  

WP 15/05 – MERTENS S./ MARÉE M. – Que « produit » l’entreprise d’économie sociale ?

WP15/04 – DEMOUSTIER D./ BRALEY E./ GUÉRIN T./ RAULT D. – La construction de la statistique de l’économie sociale et solidaire (ESS) en France : une mobilisation progressive d’acteurs très divers

WP15/03 – BOUCHARD M.J./ CRUZ FILHO P./ ST-DENIS M. – Cadre conceptuel de qualification des entités de l’économie sociale dans les statistiques

WP15/02 – ARTIS A./ BOUCHARD M.J./ ROUSSELIÈRE D. – L’économie sociale compte-t-elle ? Comment la compte-t-on ? Représentations de l’économie sociale à travers les indicateurs statistiques

WP13/11 – FECHER F./ BEN SEDRINE-LEJEUNE W. – Measuring the Economic Value of Cooperatives, Mutual Societies and Companies with social purposes in Belgium: A Satellite Account approach