Edgard Milhaud Prize

On the initiative of its President, Willi Hanss, and in order to commemorate the founder of CIRIEC, the biennial “Edgard Milhaud” Prize was awarded for the first time on the occasion of the 2010 Berlin Congress.

Good for the sum of 7 500 euros, the “Edgard Milhaud” Prize will distinguish the work of a young doctoral student on a matter of interest to CIRIEC.

Each national section is required to name one or two candidates. An international panel headed by Prize is chaired by Mr. José Luis MONZÓN, Universidad de Valencia, Executive Director of CIRIEC-España, chose the winner.

The selection criteria include the scientific quality, relevance and the benefits for society in general.

The 2022 theme is “New global dynamics in the post-Covid era: challenges for the public, social and cooperative economy”.

The 2022 Prize will be awarded at CIRIEC’s 33rd International Congress (13-15 June 2022 in Valencia, Spain)

The rules of the Edgard Milhaud Prize 2022


Winners 2022

In 2022, 2 winners shared the prize.

The 1st winner is Pierre Wokuri, from University of Rennes 1,  for his thesis Orient and activate : the cooperative renewable energy projects at the test of the market. Denmark, France and the United Kingdom in a multi-level comparative perspective.

Presentation video

The 2nd winner is Juan Francisco Albert Moreno, from University of València, for his thesis ‘Monetary Policy and Inequality from an inclusive and Social Banking perspective’.


Winner 2016

The winner of the 2016 edition is Leonard Moulin for his thesis Tuition Fee in Higher Education:  Issues, Limitations and Perspectives


Biography of Leonard Moulin

Winner 2012

The winner of the second edition is Anaïs Périlleux for her thesis“Governance and growth of cooperatives in microfinance”

Presentation of her thesis
Summary of her thesis
Press release
Degre of Edgard Milhaud Prize 2012


Spécial Mention to Céline MARIVAL

Céline MARIVAL, was awarded a special mention at the occasion of the 2012 edition of the Edgard Milhaud Prize, for her thesis:
« Interactions entre associations et pouvoirs publics: logiques, tensions diversité : Le cas des associations d’action sociale et médico-sociale » (“Interactions between associations and public authorities: logics, strains, diversity. The case of social and ‘medico-social’ associations).


Winner 2010

The winner of the fisrt edition is Kristof De Witte for his thesis “On Analyzing Drinking Water Monopolies by Robust Non-Parametric Efficiency Estimations”

Presentation of his thesis
Summary of his thesis