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XX Milan European Economy Workshop, “Public entrepreneurship, knowledge creation, and social justice”, 23-24 June 2022 (Milan)

CIRIEC, Other events

International Conference – Decentralisation of health care : European experiences – 16 November 2022 – Brussel

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International Symposium – Thessaloniki, Greece, 22-23 May 2023

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Governance and accountability (Gover-nability) of multiple values of municipal corporations – 21&22 September 2023 Online

CIRIEC, Other events

Decarbonizing electricity: a key role for state-owned power companies, 27 Oct 2023 – Brussels / Online

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CIRIEC INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE – Les entreprises publiques, actrices du développement durable et de la transition – 7 June 2024 – Paris, France

France, Other events

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