Education et intérêt général / P. Bance & J. Fournier, 2019

Education et intérêt général

Coordination éditoriale de Philippe BanceJacques Fournier –  2019

Engaged for half a century in a process of decomposition-recomposition, the French education system is going through a crisis, which is illustrated by the deterioration of its results in international comparisons.

On this subject, which is crucial for the future of individuals, enterprises and territories, the book provides a comprehensive, orderly and stimulating vision. Rather than focusing on few fragmentary aspects of the system or reforms, it puts all the essential problems into perspective. Based on a rigorous analysis and supported by precise data, it formulates constructive proposals which, on each of the main topics on the political agenda, combine the requirements of continuity and renewal.

The plurality of points of view expressed enriches the work in order to feed the citizen’s reflection. However, all the contributions are part of a common general approach: education as an essential common good of which the non-profit vocation is to be preserved, the centrality of the demand for equality.

  • Éditeur Presses universitaires de Rouen et du Havre
  • Support Livre broché
  • Nb de pages 702 p. Bibliographie . Notes .
  • ISBN-13 9791024011868 
  • Sommaire ICI
  • Commande ICI
  • E-BOOK disponible en libre-accès ICI