Publications collectives en économie publique:
New Perspectives in the Co-Production of Public Policies, Public Services and Common Goods / edited by Philippe BANCE, Marie J. BOUCHARD & Dorothea GREILING
Accountability, Anti-Corruption, and Transparency Policies in Public-Owned Enterprises (POEs) – PART I / edited by Andrea ZATTI
Knowledge Creation: New Frontiers for Public Investment / edited by Massimo Florio, Annals of Public and Cooperative Economics, 2021, 92, 3
The Routledge Handbook of State-Owned Enterprises / edited by Luc Bernier, Massimo Florio, Philippe Bance, ed. ROUTLEDGE, 2020
Special Issue:The Performance and Potential of Public Private Partnerships / edited by Donal PALCIC, Eoin REEVES and Matti SIEMIATYCKI, Annals of Public and Cooperative Economics, 2019, 90, 2
Providing public goods and commons. Towards coproduction and new forms of governance for a revival of public action / edited by CIRIEC, Philippe Bance, CIRIEC Studies Series 1
The Continuing Importance of State Owned Enterprise in the Twenty First Century: Challenges for Public Policy / edited by Luc BERNIER & Eoin REEVES, Annals of Public and Cooperative Economics, 2018, 89, 3
An Enduring Platform for Public and Cooperative Economics Research / edited by Marco MARINI & Bernard THIRY, Annals of Public and Cooperative Economics, 2018, 89, 1
Public Enterprises Today : Missions, Performance, Governance – Learning from Fifteen Cases / Les entreprises publiques aujourd’hui : missions, performance, gouvernance – Leçons de quinze études de cas, Peter Lang, CIRIEC, Luc Bernier
Serving the General Interest with Public Enterprises New Forms of Governance and Trends in Ownership / edited by Philippe Bance, Fabienne Fecher, Gabriel Obermann, Annals of Public and Cooperative Economics, 2015, 86, 4
Research on Local Public Services / edited by Gabriel Obermann and Giuseppe Bognetti, Annals of Public and Cooperative Economics, 2012, 83, 4
Crise contemporaine et renouveau de l’action publique – Vers l’émergence d’un nouveau mode de régulation ? / Contemporary crisis and renewal of public action – Towards the emergence of a new form of regulation?, Peter Lang , CIRIEC, Philippe Bance et Luc Bernier
The inter-relationship between the structural funds and the provision of services of general (economic) interest and the potential for cross-border service delivery, CIRIEC, DEAS, CSIL, PPMI (for the European Parliament)
Gouvernance et intérêt général dans les services sociaux et de santé, Peter Lang , CIRIEC (sous la dir. de Bernard Enjolras)
Study on Social and Health Services of General Interest in the European Union (See ‘Related Documents’)
Provision of public services: international experiences and issues, edited by G. Obermann
Special issue of Annals of Public and Cooperatives Economics, vol.78, n°3, September 2007, Blackwell-Publishing
Services of General Interest in the Internal Market , G. Obermann, D. Hall, B. Sak (for the European Parliament – DG Internal Policies of the Union)
Contribution of Services of General Interest to Economic Social and Territorial Cohesion , CIRIEC (for the European Commission – DG regio ) (Final Overall Report)
The question of competitive tendering for public services in the European Union , edited by H. Cox
Special issue of Annals of Public and Cooperatives Economics, vol.74, n°1, March 2003, Blackwell-Publishing
Plural Economy and socio-economic regulation / Economie plurielle et régulation socio-économique
CIRIEC (Enjolras B. & von Bergmann-Winberg M.-L., Eds)
Les services sociaux entre associations, Etat et marché. L’aide aux personnes âgées, Laville J.-L. & Nyssens M. (sous la direction de) (Editions La Découverte, Paris, Collection Recherches , isbn 2-7071-3579-8)
Services of General Economic Interest in Europe: Regulation, Financing, Evaluation, Good Practices, CIRIEC-CEEP (with the support of the European Commission – DG Employment and Social Affairs) ( Executive summary )(aslo available in DE and FR)