The Inter-Relationship between the Structural Funds and the Provision of Services of General (Economic) Interest and the Potential for Cross-Border Service Delivery – 2010

The Inter-Relationship between the Structural Funds and the Provision of Services of General (Economic) Interest and the Potential for Cross-Border Service Delivery – 2010

– DEAS, Department of Economics, Business and Statistics, University of Milan (Milan, Italy)
– CIRIEC International (Liège, Belgium)
– CSIL, Centre for Industrial Studies (Milan, Italy)
– PPMI, Public Policy and Management Institute (Vilnius, Lithuania)

Rapport réalisé pour le Parlement Européen – Direction Générale des Politiques Internes

NB: L’étude est disponible en français, anglais et allemand, quant aux annexes celles-ci ne sont disponibles qu’en anglais.