Xabier Itçaina is a CNRS Senior Researcher in political science at Sciences po Bordeaux, Centre Emile Durkheim, France. He was previously Marie Curie Fellow at the European University in Florence (2012-2013) and director of the Centre Emile Durkheim (2017-2021) His research work deals with the territorial mobilizations of civil societies in Southern Europe, with three main empirical fields: social Catholicism, local politics and economy; territorial dynamics of social and solidarity-based economy; political anthropology of identity politics and popular cultures. Among his recent publications: with N. Richez-Battesti (eds.), “Les polarisations territoriales de l’économie sociale et solidaire”, Revue d’Economie Régionale et Urbaine (2022/1); with Duverger T., X. Itçaina, R. Lafore, Les trois visages de l’économie sociale et solidaire. Institutionnalisations, trajectoires, territoires (Le Bord de l’Eau, 2020); Catholic mediations in Southern Europe: the invisible politics of religion (Routledge 2019); “The Spanish Catholic Church, the public sphere, and the economic recession: rival legitimacies?”, Journal of Contemporary Religion (34:1, 2019); with D. Demoustier, Faire territoire par la coopération. L’expérience du Pôle Territorial de Coopération Economique Sud Aquitaine (La Librairie des Territoires, 2018); with N. Richez-Battesti (eds.) (2018), Social and solidarity-based economy and territory: from embeddedness to co-construction (Peter Lang, CIRIEC Series on Social and Public Economy, 2018).List of publications on: https://cv.archives-ouvertes.fr/xabier-itcaina