
Christina Schaefer is full professor for Public Administration and Management at the Helmut-Schmidt University/University of the Armed Forces in Hamburg. After graduating in mathematics she worked as research assistant for the chair of Public Management at the University of Hamburg, where she earned her PhD with a thesis on organizational management and qualified for a university-professorship with a thesis on Public Financial Management. During 2004-2009 she was professor for Public Management at the University of Applied Sciences Berlin. Her main research interests are Public Financial Management and Public Corporate Governance with a focus on public enterprises. She regularly conducts executive seminars on controlling and financial management, is a member of the Scientific Advisory Board of the German Association of Public Services (BVÖD) and member of various editorial boards, e.g. Zeitschrift für Gemeinwirtschaft und Gemeinwohl/Journal of Social Economy and Common Welfare, Annals of Public and Cooperative Economis.